CU Motorsports Alumni Reception

The CU Motorsports team held a reception for students and alumni  on September 28, 2016 in room LL01 and the Mechanical Engineering Lab in the  41 Cooper Square building.   Attendees networked while enjoying submarine sandwiches from Frankie’s.  The students shared their experiences at the FSAE competition in Brooklyn Michigan and the Formula North competition in Toronto Canada. The students explained how much work went into the designing, building and testing of the 2016 car and shared some of their plans for the new car.

Alumni shared memories from past events including those associated with building the dune buggy and with building the first FSAE car.  The team members gave a tour of the automotive lab and showed off the 2016 race car.  They also showed some of the materials for components for of the 2017 car.  They are learning through hands-on experiences what the challenges are when working with carbon fiber fabric and other advanced materials.  They also explained some of the new challenges that result from this year’s design criteria.  One of the criteria is that the car must be built to accommodate a man whose height is in the 90th percentile and a woman who’s height is only in the 5th percentile.

CU car and group 9-28-16

Rob Abdallah ME’16, Luka Lipovac EE’19, Hunter McKane ME’16, Michael Capone ME’17, Harrison Milne ME’17, Gary Kazin ChE’69, Mary Lynch ChE’82, Dongho Kim ME’19, Steven Lee ME’14, Frank Dahl ME’00

CU Car Front 9-28-16

Harrison Milne

CU Car Rear 9-28-16CU car carbon material 2








Members of the 2016 CU Motorsports Team