Rinning For: Council

Campaign Statement

As far as a campaign statement, we live in an era of political grandiose promises, division and out and out lying. I will just say that I was active in the pursuit of a tuition free Cooper Union, including monetary donations and past protests, and will continue to contribute and fight for a tuition free school, as I was fortunate to have when I went there.


By way of introduction, I am a Cooper art grad ’76. I worked at Grey Worldwide from 1985-2008 as a New Projects Manager, in the acquisition of new business. I presently freelance as a 3D printing designer for Fantasma Toys NYC.

With a life long interest in education I became a per-diem teacher in the NYC Public School system. As a teacher, I am an active member of the UFT commencing in 2010. I feel I’m well versed in many aspects of the workings of both public and private education, including management, cutting through red tape, and bureaucracy. I have been very active in protests and opposition to Betsy Devos (U.S. Secretary of Education) as well as protests against Jamshed Bharucha, 12th president of Cooper Union, and probably the 2nd worst thing that ever happened to Cooper Union.

Art ’76

Voting Information