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As Cooper Union alumni, Peter Cooper’s mission has had a profound impact on us and stirs our fiercest passion. Now, the alumni have been empowered to change the course of the school for the present and secure the future. It is a pivotal moment and we need you to be the catalyst for change.

As part of the historic agreement, the alumni will have greater representation on the Cooper Union Board of Trustees. Nominate yourself or others to participate in the upcoming special election for the first additional Alumni Trustee to join the Board of Trustees.

Use the link below to open the nomination Form


Rekindle Peter Cooper’s original vision and make an imprint for generations to come. There has never been a greater moment to create lasting change. With much to accomplish, we need to present a diverse slate of nominees that express the unique skills and talents of Cooper Union graduates encompassing the three schools of art, architecture, and engineering. We need the alumni to create the best group of nominees to drive change. Show your determination and resolve to return the school to its rightful place and nominate someone today.

For more information – please email Kelly Smolar, Chair of the CUAA Nominations Committee at

Hurry.  Nominations need to be submitted by October 1st, 2015.   The Election will begin on October 15, 2015