
Paul is an interdisciplinary artist and social entrepreneur whose work explores the social impact of technology and issues of media access, free speech, public/private space and bridging the”digital-divide.” He has been active as an alumnus since 2011 and has worked with other alumni and faculty to organize The Cooper Union Entrepreneur Society (CUES), co-organized a CUAA/CUES 2013 event in The Great Hall on surveillance in conjunction with the MIT Enterprise Forum of NY, and has successfully crowd funded the “Cooper Lumen Design Challenge,” partnering with non-profit Two Bridges Neighborhood Council to directly fund interdisciplinary student work for credit in the 2014 semester, all of which has generated positive media for Cooper Union. Paul participated in the Friends of Cooper Union and Free Cooper Union brainstorming events, contributed to “The Way Forward” and presently works with the CUAA Founder’s Day Committee, Communications and Events Committees. He received the Presidential Citation in 2001 and has been inducted into the CU Alumni Hall of Fame. He remains committed to restoring merit-based full tuition scholarships at Cooper Union.