08-08-2013 Working Group Nominations
Dear Cooper Union Alumni Community:
As you may know, a special election is being launched to select three alumni representatives to theGural Borkowsky Working Group. The Alumni Council collected nominations from alumni. As a vetting procedure, the nominees were asked to respond to the following six questions:
- Are you prepared to participate in person with the working group, with the understanding that it may meet at a minimum of biweekly in NYC with the possibility to meet more frequently?
- Are you prepared to sign a confidentiality agreement in order to access financial records?
- Do you commit to relaying up-to-date and timely information to the alumni community through written mechanisms, to be determined later?
- Do you agree to an understanding of the alumni community as an extension of the working group, to be called publicly upon to help solve the problems facing Cooper Union?
- Are you prepared to be a community facilitator to ensure this level of alumni engagement?
- Do you agree to work diligently and with an open mind toward a solution that doesn’t include tuition for students who begin in 2014?
Please note that the working group has not yet been convened. The questions above reflect the requirements that the Alumni Council has for their representatives.The nominees who confirmed their agreement to these questions are presented to you on a ballot for vote through 11:59 PM Eastern on August 15, 2013.
Following the election, the Tellers Committee will be convened to tabulate and verify the votes. This meeting has not yet been scheduled but it is the goal of the Alumni Council to announce the representatives before August 29, 2013.
Thank you to all of the Class Representatives, Council Members, and all other alumni who reached to collect and submit nominations; and thanks also to the nominees for their quick responses during this very fast election process.
Karina Tipton, CE ’99 Chair, Nominating Committee