AtCooper is a publication of the school, The Cooper Union for The Advancement of Science and Art. It was published as a hard copy magazine approximately twice a year until 2011.

It was jointly assembled by the School’s Office of External Affairs and Alumni Office through 2011 and the School’s Communications Office beginning in 2018.

The In Memoriam listings of alumni deaths were listed in this publication through 2011 only. The Cooper Union Library Archives maintains a collection of all the hard copy issues. You may make an appointment with the library staff to review those. They can not be checked out of the library.

Some, but not all, past publications are available on line. Issues available online are for 2007 through 2011 and 2018 to present

Fall 2021: Fall 2021

Spring 2021: Spring 2021

Fall 2020: Fall 2020

Summer 2020: Summer 2020

Spring 2019: Spring 2019

Summer 2018:

Link to some of the past issues on

Link to some of the past issues on Issuu:

There were no issues published between 2011 and 2016.