Cooper Union Chemical Engineers
The Cooper Union was well represented at the Annual Dinner for the Metro NY American Institute of Chemical Engineers. The event was held at the Ukrainian Restaurant on 9/21/2016. The event had 65 attendees in total representing 5 engineering schools and many businesses. Cooper Union was represented by 19 chemical engineers. Kristine Chin ChE’94/ MChE’95 was the speaker for the evening. Kristine Chin is the Director, Meeting & Conference Programming at The American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Mary Lynch ChE ’82 who was recently re-elected Chair of The Metro NY AICHE introduced Kristine.
Kristine Chin gave an overview of the chemical engineering profession and shared data, forecasts, and interpretations from the most recent Chemical Engineering Progress Salary Survey. She compared technical and managerial careers and discussed the segments of the profession that are growing and expected to continue to grow. She spoke about what industries are prominent in different regions of the United States and she listed some of the problems and challenges that our society faces that requires chemical engineers to solve. She answered numerous questions from the students about career options and about strategies for finding employment.
Cooper Asst. Professor, Benjamin Davis, Ph.D. was in attendance. The Cooper ChE students in attendance were Monica Abdallah ChE’17, Aaron Chong ChE’17, Troy Costa ChE’18, Hua Joe Fung ChE’17, Jonathan Henry ChE’17, Kristiana Kavo ChE’17, Todd Ketchum ChE’20, Scott Kulm ChE’17, Jean Lam ChE’17, Yeon Gyeong Lee ChE’17, Grace Li ChE’17, Se Un Park ChE’17, Rebecca Poch ChE’17, Arvinth Sethuraman ChE’19, Jordan Varghese ChE’18, Sara Wong ChE’17.