kim smiling

Kim Holleman, A’95 is a mid-career interdisciplinary artist who also attended The Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, Holland. Her award-winning work, Trailer Park: A Mobile Public Park debuted at The Storefront for Art and Architecture in 2006. It has been on display at multiple galleries, events, and conferences in New York.

Holleman has developed an interdisciplinary practice that allows her work to relate the concerns of several disciplines. Her work placed in the international ONE Prize architectural competition, and Holleman recently had the honor of presenting her work at theTEDx conference at The Cooper Union.

“I try to act as a modern day alchemist, using the methods of science and art to seek human transcendence. By mixing art, architecture and engineering in service of humanistic concerns-in sculptures, environmental installations and public art projects-I grapple with the collective hopes and anxieties of our society moving forward (and backward) through the 21st century.

 “I am particularly inspired with the work of past visionaries, be they conceptual artists, utopian urban planners, engineers effecting behavior or architects who sought to change society through their designs.

 “In my works I have I mined and manipulated out-moded vehicles, cultivated ecosystems out of place, made landscapes from petrochemicals, and even trash. I build models and working prototypes both fantastical and practical to show solutions as well as to animate concerns as we grapple with the future and becoming a sustainable society.”

Holleman lectures, teaches and arranges workshops on the themes of sustainability and art, nature and the engineered eco-system and contemporary sculpture and model making. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, such as Art in America, The New York Times, and The Village Voice. For more information, visit