Caroline Woolard A’07 is featured in a Crains NY article, “Hundreds join a new kind of co-op to buy commercial property in high-rent areas.”
Al Brand CE’67 is the Metropolitan ASCE Engineer of the Year. The award will be presented at the Metropolitan ASCE 50th Annual Dinner Dance on June 18, 2015
Josephine Halvorson A’03 has a solo museum show titled, “Slow Burn,” at The Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (SECCA) in North Carolina. The show was curated by Cora Fisher A’03.
Awol Erizku A’10, Films and Photos shown at MOMA
Ioana Iustina Manolache A’11 has work in the Columbia University MFA Thesis show
Cooper Union architecture professor Diana Agrest interviewed on NPR
Daniel Libeskind,AR’70, together with Oikos, has transformed the Università Statale’s Pharmacy Courtyard into a garden of “Future Flowers”
Retrospective show for former CU Professor, Hannes Beckmann. Exhibit Dates: 5/5 – 5/29/15
Obituary in the NY Times for an amazing Cooper Alumnus, Joseph Lechleider, ME ’54.
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