
Historic Election held for two additional Alumni Trustees2015 ELECTION FINAL

The historic special election closed on 11/18/2015.   1685 Alumni voted.  Thank you to all the candidates for participating in this election.  Thank you, also to the alumni who voted.

The winners are:

Adrian will be seated at the December 2015 meeting and Scott in June 2016.


CUAA Council News

The next CUAA Council meeting will be held on December 7, 2015 in Room LL101. The meeting will start at 6:30 PM. We will be discussing the election results in more detail, the 501c3 and constitution process, and more.

RSVP here:

CUAA Founder’s Day Awards

FD2014awardsThe nomination period closes on 11/30/2015  for 2016 Founder’s Day Awards.

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What is Founder’s Day?

Rocco Cetera, CE’99, provides both overview and  history of Founder’s Day in this article originally published in 2011.  Read More

CUAA Needs You

GET INVOLVED: Volunteer to work with the CUAA. COOPER UNION NEEDS YOU.


Event Recaps

11/17/2015 Harvest Festival

Alumni joined approximately 250 students for a pre-Thanksgiving feast held at Frankie’s on the 4th floor of 41 Cooper Square.  The CUAA donated  pies to what has become a popular annual student event.

11/14/2015  Alumni Met in South Jersey and Philadelphia

Alumni, Parents and Friends were hosted at a Regional Event  by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stern EE’62 in Moorestown, New Jersey on Nov. 14th.

Alumni Profile — Jack Eichenbaum, Che’63

Jack Eichenbaum 1Learn More

Alumni Profile — Max Fleischer A 1900

Fleischer-Max-1Learn More

Meet Dean Nadar Tehran

Nadar tehraniRead Interview


Alumni accomplishments featured prominently on our website… Please take a look!

Share your accomplishments by posting them on The Official CUAA FaceBook page and LinkedIn Group

Selection_130The Cooper Union was founded in 1859 by successful inventor and businessman Peter Cooper. Though more than a century has passed, his entrepreneurial spirit has remained instilled in the generations of students who have succeeded him, and the opportunity for Cooper alumni to create their own marks on the world is as prominent as ever. This desire is being facilitated by the Cooper Union Advisory Service (CU2AS), a pro bono referral service that matches Cooper Union alumni and their specialized expertise with any organization in need of such advisory assistance. This is done in the expectation  that the service recipients will then voluntarily donate directly to The Cooper Union.

The CU2AS is an independent not-for-profit corporation that is not affiliated with The Cooper Union. According to the mission statement on its website,, it offers advice to start-ups and small/mid-sized businesses to address issues of “performance, strategy, tactics, resource allocation, technical evaluations, management, quality assurance/control, or marketing.” 

The directors of CU2AS are Ray Tillman (CE’57), Margaret Matz (Ar’83), Al Rosenblatt (EE’57) and Robert Cohen (AR, ’83). They formed this organization approximately two years ago, when Cooper Union’s financial troubles were hotly contested and tensions were escalated among the Cooper community. The CU2AS stood as (and still proudly remains) a bipartisan organization that sought to pool the collective resources of Cooper’s alumni rather than further divide a community. As Ray Tillman and Margaret Matz explain, “The Cooper Union alumni’s exceptional expertise is an unused resource that has not yet been utilized to help the school through its financial troubles.” CU2AS’s sole interest is in making the organization a viable entity to ensure the school’s longevity while helping alumni and students succeed along the way. 

CU2AS is currently improving its communications platform to better identify any organization in need of its services.  To serve as an expert advisor or (most importantly) to identify any organization who could possibly benefit from CU2AS support, contact CU2AS via email (, phone (646-201-4870) or snail mail (P.O. Box 20847, New York, NY 10023).

In Memoriam

See who we have lost during 2015

CU Motorsports Update

Each year a new team is assembled and they build a new FSAE racecar building on the knowledge and experience of the previous team.  The Motorsports program continues to increase in size and popularity.  The new team has 50 student members.  Here is an update written by the students.   Read More


 11/17/2015, 11/24/2015, 12/01/2015, 12/08/2015 and 12/10/2015  Student Exhibitions

17 separate Student shows will be happening between Nov. 17 and Dec. 12th.  Learn More

 12/8/2015 Holiday Party at The Penny FarthingLearn More

RSVP here please:

6/3/-6/5/2016 Reunion Weekend

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Pioneer Stories


The Pioneer includes a story on the Alumni Trustee Election  Read Story

All editions of The Pioneer can be read on-line.