April 12, 2023 – Held via Zoom and at Cooper Union
Meeting started at 6:36 pm.
Approximately 23 alumni participated.
Robert Tan (President) opened the meeting. Robert reported that a tax treatment with the school is being worked out that would remove the requirement for the CUAA to independently raise 10% of its funding.
Doug Sharrott (Elections Committee) reported that the election is ongoing and to date there have been over 250 votes. He reported a low opt-out rate, as well as some requests for updating email addresses. The committee is working on announcing the election to graduating seniors. Doug reported that reminders are being sent to those who have not voted yet. Doug said that because of the validation by Election Buddy there may be no need for the May Council meeting, but that he will check the By Laws to determine if that is permitted.
Anna Brook (CUAA Secretary) presented the February 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes. Edits were addressed and incorporated. The February 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent.
Shannon Pultz (Communications Committee Chair) reported that the website is nearing completion and final edits are being addressed. A plan to roll out the new website will be developed. Shannon also reported that documents will be migrated to the CUAA’s Google Workspace. Discussion was had regarding proposals how to organize the documents and collect materials from various council members. Shannon and Barry Drogin addressed the timing of the next CUAA Newsletter.
Mariam Cantelmi (Annual Fund Chair) reported that the school will have a Giving Day on April 29 that reflects the founding of the Cooper Union.
Margaret Matz (VP Faculty/Student Liaison) reported that Lou Manzione has been working as a Bell Labs liaison. Lou reported that the president of Bell Labs gave a talk at Cooper Union for over 100 students. There are discussions regarding potential internships for students and other ways to collaborate with Bell Labs such as working on research. Lou is also working on a relationship with NEC Labs where the president is a Bell Labs alum. He will be presenting at Cooper Union on May 3.
Donato Giacalone reported that the search for the Dean of the Architecture School continues. 33 undergraduate and 20 graduate students have been admitted to the Architecture School.
Barry Drogin reported that there will be an annual trip to Greenwood Cemetery on April 23. The plans were announced via various channels. A member of the Hewitt family may attend.
Robert Tan reported that the CUAA ordered bobble heads of Peter Cooper to be given to graduating seniors who register and provide a non-Cooper Union email address. Plans will be made for giving out the bobble heads.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.