April 4, 2023 – Held via Zoom

Meeting started at 6:39pm

Anna Brook (CUAA Secretary) presented the minutes from the February 1, 2023 Executive Committee Meeting. There were no proposed edits. The February 1 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent.

Robert Tan (President) reported on meeting with L. Sparks and M. King regarding 501(c)(3) status and funding.

Robert reported that it is possible the May Council meeting will be unnecessary because the election will be verified by Election Buddy.

Doug Sharrott (Election Committee Chair) reported that the election is under way. He noted that there are no issues with the technology. He flagged that there are approximately 220 ballots cast to date. Doug recommended that Robert Tan send a message to alumni reminding them to vote and to check spam folders for ballots. He also recommended asking the school to remind seniors to register to vote. Ron Vogel suggested asking the school to include a reminder to vote in one of their emails to alumni. Mariam Cantelmi asked to make sure that new registrations on the website are reviewed to receive ballots.

Shannon Pultz (Communications Committee Chair) reported that the Communications Committee is reviewing the website and providing final comments.

Mariam Cantelmi (Annual Fund Chair) reported that as of last week there is 11.9% alumni participation compared to 13.7% at the same time last year. Mariam reported that CUAA social media posts seem to remind alumni to donate, but they donate through the school’s links. There will be a new campaign around April 29, the founding of Cooper Union, and another campaign for the end of the fiscal year.

Ron Vogel (Treasurer) reported that the process of collecting next years’ budgets is under way. CUAA also reached out to an accountant to prepare the CUAA’s taxes. Robert Tan suggested improving the process for reimbursements when individual council members spend funds for various approved activities.

Robert reminded the committee chairs that there will be end of year reports and guidance to prepare for the next administration.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.