Alumni Executive Council Meeting
October 9, 2018
Attendees: Carol Wolf, Steven Verderese, Daniel Zori, Margaret Matz, Cristina Ross, Paul Nikulin, Standish Lee, Ron Vogel, and Robert Tan.
- Meeting began at 6:40.
- Thanks to Daniel Zori, Assistant Director Alumni Affairs, for joining us.
- Daniel is keen to work together with CUAA on ideas and strategies, engage class and regional representatives.
- Attendees introduced themselves to Daniel.
- Paul Nikulin highlighted series of events over the last month
- Previewed upcoming events: Ringwood Manor and Javits Green Roof tours and Student/Alumni Thanksgiving event held in 4th Floor lounge (Frankie’s).
- Potential new events are event around Kevin Slavin opening at gallery on Kenmare Street, and event around Cooper Union sports event.
- MOA meeting to be held on 10/15/18.
- Unofficial agreement for seating for trustees in June and December to ensure that there is always proper representation.
- Nomination committee met on 10/3/18. Teams set up for officers and council nominations.
- Academic. Meetings were held with Dean of Art, Mike Essl – discussed art exhibitions at Fish House and various proposals for alumni art auctions.
- Potential meeting with outgoing Dean of Engineering, Richard Stock.
- Annual fund update: $403,000 as of today.
- Annual Fund Committee and Development Office to meet and discuss potentially rebranding message for restricted and unrestricted fundraising.
- Discussions with school on CUAA budget is in progress. Issues with multiple 501(c)(3) status.
- Support for using FaceBook to boost the exposure of our requests for nominations for Founder’s Day awards and or CUAA ballot.
- Tasks to design a proper design a website.
- Research how much to design a new website. Johnny Greenspan potential designer.
- Next Council meeting will be November 1st on second floor.
- President Laura Starks will address strategic planning at 6:30 PM.
- Next Exec. Committee Meeting will be on November 7th, in the Alumni Space at 6:30 PM
Minuets recorded by Ron Vogel, Communications Chair