CUAA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes                            

November 14, 2019
Alumni Space
6:30 pm – 8:40 pm


Committee members in the Room

Nils Folke Anderson
Paul Nikulin
Mark O’Grady
Cristina Ross
Mary Lynch
Dan Burke
Carol Wolf

Committee members on the Phone

Margaret Matz
Kay Nordstrom
Aftab Hussain
Scott Lerman
Kelly Occhiuzzo Zack
Anthony Maganiello (exoficio)


Laura Spinner
Lily Zand

CUAA President Margaret Matz opened the meeting at 6:30 pm.   Mary Lynch took attendance and read the minutes of the 2 previous Exec Committee meetings

9/30/19 and 10/03/19.  Paul Nikulin made a motion to approve the minutes.  Nils Folke Anderson seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved.

Old Business:

During the meeting on 10/03/19, there were not enough members present to pass a motion made by Laura Spinner.

Paul Nikulin made a motion like that made at the last Exec committee meeting on 10/03/19 concerning Exec committee members who participate on an award committee.  He moved that any Exec Committee member who is also on an Award selection committee will not vote in any approval vote that the Exec Committee takes to approve an awardee submitted by an award committee on which he or she sits.  Nils Folke Anderson seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

MemberYesNoAbstain or Absent
Margaret MatzX  
Paul NikulinX  
Nils Folke AndersonX  
Kelly Occhiuzzo Zack  X
Mark O’GradyX  
Dan Burke X 
Mary Lynch  X
Carol Wolf  X
Kay NordsromX  
Cristine RossX  
Scott LermanX  
Aftab HussainX  
Lynn Lander  X
Steve Gerrard  X

The motion passed.

Laura Spinner, Chair of the Awards Committee, made a new motion.  She moved that no CUAA Officer should be eligible for the Augustus Saint-Gaudens Award, the Gano Dunn Award, the John Q. Hejduk Award or the Peter Cooper Service Award while they serve as an officer; and that no member of an awards committee can be selected for an award given by that committee while they remain on the committee.    Paul Nikulin seconded that motion.

The vote was as follows:

MemberYesNoAbstain or Absent
Margaret MatzX  
Paul NikulinX  
Nils Folke AndersonX  
Kelly Occhiuzzo Zack  X
Mark O’GradyX  
Dan BurkeX  
Mary LynchX  
Carol WolfX  
Kay NordsromX  
Cristine RossX  
Scott LermanX  
Aftab Hussain X 
Lynn Lander  X
Steve Gerrard  X

The motion passed.

Paul Nikulin made another motion.  He moved that for the current calendar year, that no one on the Exec. Committee can receive one of the four Founder’s Day Awards; and he moved that after this year’s selections are made, the Exec. Committee revisit the issue with consideration for making this restriction permanent.

Carol Wolf seconded the motion.

The vote was as follows:

MemberYesNoAbstain or Absent
Margaret MatzX  
Paul NikulinX  
Nils Folke Anderson  X
Kelly Occhiuzzo ZackX  
Mark O’GradyX  
Dan BurkeX  
Mary LynchX  
Carol WolfX  
Kay NordsromX  
Cristine RossX  
Scott LermanX  
Aftab HussainX  
Lynn Lander  X
Steve Gerrard  X

The motion passed.

New Business:

Anthony Maganiello, Chair of the Communications Committee spoke about the website.  First he asked if the Executive committee agrees that the website needs some improved asthetics.  Anthony then suggested that we seek proposals from at least 3 sources for website designs using WordPress Stuctures that would modify the look, but not the content of the present website.  Nils suggested that we should first define what our needs are before soliciting the proposals.  Carol Wolf said that she would like to see a simple presentation on 4 or 5 slides that makes it clear what we would like to improve on the current website and would also like that presentation to address how we co-exist with the website.   Anthony Maganiello agreed to put that presentation together to present at a future Exec. Committee meeting.

Nils, confirmed with Anthony that he will be taking the lead on the website initiatives.  Anthony confirmed that he is.

Carol Wolf, Chair of Augustus Saint-Gauden’s Committee asked if we could hear more about a complaint that Margaret Matz said she received concerning the John Hejduk Award selection process. Carol said that Margaret had mentioned the existence of a complaint to some of the award chairs, but had’t said what the complaint was about. Carol was not sure if this was reference to an old complaint or a new complaint. 

Margaret confirmed that it was a new anonymous complaint about the John Hejduk committee being too self preferential. Lily Zand asked what the complainant meant by self preferential. Discussion of some specifics of the complaint followed.

Scott Lerman suggested that if the core of the complaint is that we are self preferential, could we broaden our appeal for nominations.

Paul Nikulin suggested that we need to know what the complaint is about – more specifics — before we can address it.  The complaintant can stay anonomys but the complaint needs to be specific and in writing.  Magaret agreed to ask the complaintant for a written versión of the complaint with specific details.

Nils added that complaints should not be going to Laura Spinner for adjudicate.  They should be brought to the Exec. Committee.

Aftab Hussain made a suggestion that somone reach out to the Rugers Alumni Association to learn how they manage budgets and handle reimbursements.  Aftab mentioned that they Rutgers Alumni Association is a 501c3 organizaton.  Dan Burke asked Aftab if he had any contacts at Rutgers Alumni Association.  Aftab answered that he does and will provide them to Dan Burke.

Executive Session:

At this point in the meeting, the Committee went into Executive Session.  Anthony, Lilly, and Laura left.  The others stayed.

Dan Burke, Treasurer, circulated Information on the Budget and wanted to hear if there are questions on it.  Margaret said that she would like to suggest moving the Budget conversation to the next Executive Committee meeting.

Nils suggested that this executive sessión be rescheduled, because the CUAA leadership items that are on the agenda for this meeting, require Margaret to be present in the room.  Margaret agreed and proposed next Thursday, 11/21/19 as the meeting date and time.  All present agreed.

Paul Nikulin made a motion to adjourn.  Carol seconed the motion.  All agreed.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Recorded by:  Mary Lynch, CUAA Secretary