December 14, 2021 – Held via Zoom
Meeting started at 6:38 pm.
Approximately 28 alumni participated.
Robert Tan (CUAA President) opened the meeting. He asked that Council members follow Robert’s Rules to provide everyone an opportunity to speak.
Anna Brook (CUAA Secretary) presented the November 2, 2021 Meeting Minutes. Edits were addressed and incorporated. The November 2, 2021 Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent.
Mariam Cantelmi (Annual Fund Committee Chair) noted that there are six major fundraising events throughout the year. Mariam reported that Cooper Union met the $1 million goal for Giving Tuesday with over 540 donors. The $1 million raised did not include the matching donations from the Reeves match challenge.
Claudia Giordano (VP Faculty/Student Liaison) reported that the alumni-student committee is forming and has been meeting. There is a project being prepared in connection with Founder’s Day. Claudia mentioned that the CUAA does not have a representative from the Engineering school. Lou Manzione volunteered to be the CUAA engineering representative and said he would reach out to Dean Shoop.
Donato Giacalone mentioned that the architecture school is working on a search for a new dean. Sim Blaustein asked if there will be in-person events between CUAA and students. Robert Tan said that Kelly Occhuizzo Zack (VP Events) is working on an ice-skating event.
Robert Tan announced that there is a CUAA holiday party on Tuesday, December 21.
Rachel Whitlow volunteered to be part of the group connecting with students.
Shannon Pultz (Communications Committee Chair) provided a list of activities relating to getting the committee running this year. She is working on organizing communications documents. Shannon is also working with the chairs of the Annual Fund and Membership Committees and OoAA to work on better working with the school’s and CUAA’s contacts. Shannon reported on meeting with students who said the best methods to communicate with students are Instagram and posters at the school. Theo Stewart-Stand and Susan Shaw are on board to help with graphics. She spoke about a Peter Cooper Doodle event that involves students. Shannon said the CUAA Newsletter would be published February 1. Content should be submitted three weeks in advance.
Shannon reported that future items include working on communication campaigns for future events. The aim is to have bi-monthly newsletters. The Peter Cooper Doodle may lead to merchandise. Bernie Codd (Communications Committee Vice Chair) emphasized that committee chairs should submit items for the newsletter.
Mary Lynch noted that there is an updated In Memoriam page by the end of the year, so alumni can send in information. Mary also said that CUAA is preparing a list of books by alumni and she is collecting submissions for this list.
Ron Vogel (Treasurer) reported that CUAA submitted the application for 501(c)3 status. CUAA also filed the 2020 tax returns.
Laura Spinner (Awards Committee Chair) reported that Founder’s Day is a one-week celebration for Cooper Together. One of the main events is the Alumni Awards, which will be held virtually on February 10. Anna Brook asked if there will be a fundraising challenge associated with Cooper Together. Mariam Cantelmi said that OoAA is working on a fundraising push for Founders’ Day week. Barry Drogin noted that registration pages for school events include an option to donate.
Anna Brook reported on behalf of the Events Committee. Anna reported on the Annual Harvest Feast that provided mini pies to students for Thanksgiving. The CUAA holiday party is coming up on Dec. 21. CUAA Awards recipients will be announced on January 6, and the ceremony will be on February 10. Kelly Occhuizzo Zack said she is trying to organize an ice-skating event with students.
Robert Tan reported on the status of the Constitution Committee. He noted that there are edits that could be made to the CUAA By-Laws. Jim Liubicich and Barry Drogin will be Co-Chairs of the Constitution Committee and work on the project along with the Executive Committee.
Jim Liubicich asked for more information about the $4 million match. Mariam responded that there is no end date, it ends when the funds are distributed.
Mary Lynch asked about the reunion. She mentioned several requests from her class about an in-person event. Robert said there are in-person events being planned such as a cruise. He also said the reunion is being expanded to include classes that missed their reunions due to COVID (class years ending in 0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7).
Barry Drogin noted that the Cooper Pioneer (the student newspaper) is being revived this year.
Lou Manzione asked about the status of #CooperMade and how alumni can contribute. Mary Lynch noted that this publication is run by the school.
Barry Drogin asked about the status of putting the alumni directory back online. Robert Tan said he would try to find out. Mary Lynch noted that it is an important resource for verifying alumni for elections.
Robert Tan said he asked about the Civics Lab to perhaps tie into CU2AS. He reported that the Civics Lab is more focused on students rather than interacting with the broader community. The hope is to get a CU2AS request for volunteers out soon.
Anna Brook moved to adjourn. Jim Liubicich seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.