February 1, 2023 – Held via Zoom
Anna Brook (CUAA Secretary) presented the minutes from the October 27, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting. There were no proposed edits. The October 27 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent.
Robert Tan (President) reported that preparations for the awards ceremony are moving along. Robert will be sending a letter to the Council, committee members, and other alumni to encourage them to attend the in-person awards ceremony.
Bernie Codd (Communications Committee co-chair) reported that work is in process to organize folders for Google Workspace. Work on the new website is beginning. Reminders will be sent to committee chairs to provide information for the next CUAA Newsletter.
Laura Spinner (Nominating Committee Chair) announced the slate for the CUAA Election. Laura mentioned that there are two spots for Alumni Trustee and four candidates. Laura suggested to improve recruiting for alumni to run for council earlier to give people more lead time to learn about the positions and decide to run. Discussion was had that Trustee votes would be rank-choice voting.
Robert Tan reported that a test election was run with Election Buddy. Results and how it went will be reported at the next Council meeting. Discussion was had on how to operate meet-the-candidates night and the best platform to use.
Anna Brook moved to adjourn the meeting. Ron Vogel seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.