June 14, 2022 – Held via Zoom
Meeting started at 6:36 pm.
Approximately 19 alumni participated.
Council members introduced themselves.
Robert Tan (President) welcomed new members. He noted that over the past year the Council updated the By Laws. He suggested that Council members will be assigned to committees. Robert discussed plans to work on the MOA, the elections process, and the website. There will be an ad hoc committee to update the handbook / operations manual.
Robert highlighted the need for Council members to give to the annual fund and encourage others to donate. He reported that CUAA is still waiting for the IRS to grant 501(c)3 status and mentioned the independent fundraising requirement.
Robert reported that alumni participation in fundraising is lower this year than last year. The goal is to increase participation in the two weeks before the end of the fiscal year. Jim Liubicich asked to confirm that the fundraising year is the fiscal year that starts on July 1, ends on June 30.
Shannon Pultz (Communications Committee Chair) reported that the June newsletter is in progress. Shannon and Carol Wolf will be cleaning up and working to migrate the website. She also reported on the Communications Committee’s work helping with fundraising and preparation of senior class graduation gifts.
Edwin DeLeon (Events Committee Chair) reported on events that were organized during the past year (e.g., Central Park 5k, virtual bike ride). He discussed ways to improve alumni engagement. He suggested future events such as happy hours and more in-person events, Thanksgiving pies for students, and invited Council members to contribute ideas for events.
Robert Tan provided an update on CUAA’s participation in this year’s graduation and the reunion.
Barry Drogin commented that The Pioneer exists.
Robert Tan asked the group to think about having a Council retreat to discuss what worked and what did not, as well as to introduce new members. It will likely be hybrid.
Jim Liubicich expressed that several years ago there was energy among alumni to participate in the election and other CUAA activities, and there has been complacency more recently. He also asked about the status of the plan to return to free. Robert Tan reported that there are reports available and they estimate that the timeline to return to free is on track.
Lou Manzione (Alumni Trustee) proposed car magnets to give to graduates. Robert suggested speaking with Crystal Ortiz and Mindy at Cooper Union. Lou also suggested group alumni trips to sporting events such as baseball spring training in Florida.
There was discussion regarding providing graduates with a Cooper Union email address. Robert reported that the school is testing this and there will be updates.
Anna Brook moved to adjourn. Jim Liubicich seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.