June 8, 2022 – Held via Zoom
Meeting started at 6:39pm
Bernie Codd attended in place of Shannon Pultz. Laura Spinner (Nominating Committee Chair-Elect) attended.
Robert Tan (President) spoke about plans for next year. He will be setting up a calendar where committee members will be able to include events as well. Robert also addressed the need to consider how elections are managed. Another project is to work on a MOA with Cooper Union.
Margaret Matz (Past President) said that several years ago, there was a list of events put together that can be a basis for the calendar.
Mary Lynch (Nominating Committee Chair) provided comments regarding encouraging alumni to run for Council positions and vote in the elections.
Claudia Giordano (VP Faculty/Student Liaison) commented that Council members should serve on at least one committee.
Anna Brook (CUAA Secretary) presented the minutes from the March 28, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting. There were no proposed edits. The March 28 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent. Anna presented the minutes from the Dec. 3, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting. There were no proposed edits. The Dec. 3 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent. Anna presented the minutes from the Jan. 24, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting. There were no proposed edits. The Jan. 24 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent.
Anna Brook moved to approve the amended by-laws as approved by Council on May 11, 2022. Robert Tan seconded the motion.
Robert – approved, Claudia – approved, Mariam – approved, Mary – approved, Bernie (on Shannon’s behalf) – approved, Ron – approved, Margaret – approved, Anna – approved.
Robert Tan reported on graduation. This year, CUAA gave out box kites to graduates. Ideas for future years include Peter Cooper bobbleheads and Foundation Building snow globes. Robert also reported on the reunion. He mentioned the cruise was well-received. Mary Lynch addressed her experiences at the reunion. Margaret Matz commented that it was good to interface with graduating students at graduation.
Mariam Cantelmi (Annual Fund Chair) reported that the committee is working on the end of year campaign. A goal is to attract 400 new donors. Mariam commented on the importance of having contact with alumni.
Bernie Codd (Communications Committee Vice Chair) reported that the committee will send out a newsletter later in the month. Bernie reported that Shannon is working on moving the website to another server. An email blast will be sent relating to fundraising as well. The committee is also planning to make the submission of Peter Cooper Doodles more standardized (i.e., same backgrounds, copyright release).
Robert, Bernie, and Mary addressed options for new hosts for the CUAA website.
Anna Brook commented on the importance of a smooth transition to introduce newly elected council members to their roles.
Laura Spinner (Awards Committee Chair) addressed the transition to a new Awards Committee Chairs and individual committee rules, including rules relating to who can attend awards deliberations meetings.
Anna Brook moved to adjourn the meeting. Robert Tan seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm.