March 28, 2022 – Held via Zoom
Meeting started at 6:30pm
Anna Brook (CUAA Secretary) presented the minutes from the Oct. 26, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting. There were no proposed edits. The Oct. 26 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent. Anna presented the minutes from the Dec. 3, 2021 Executive Committee Meeting. There were no proposed edits. The Dec. 3 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent. Anna presented the minutes from the Jan. 24, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting. There were no proposed edits. The Jan. 24 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent.
Shannon Pultz (Communications Committee Chair) reported that content has been received for the April newsletter and it should be going on next week. Elections are on-going. Carol Wolf and Shannon are making organizational change to the CUAA website. The Peter Cooper Doodle project is ongoing.
Mariam Cantelmi (Annual Fund Chair) reported that Friday is the next meeting with Cooper Union to obtain updated numbers. The committee is considering a name change to the Cooper Fund or another option. The Committee is working with Cooper Union to create a QR code to enable donations during Reunion. There is consideration of a silent auction in connection with Reunion. Lou Manzione noted that he sees other universities renaming Annual Fund Committees. The process for renaming the Annual Fund Committee was discussed.
Claudia Giordano (VP Faculty/Student Liaison) reported the Peter Cooper Doodle project is moving forward.
Robert Tan said Sim Blaustein is cleaning up the email list. Anna Brook said once the clean up is done, she will review the lists and come up with a list to use for comparing with Cooper Union’s list (via a vendor subject to confidentiality obligations. Mary Lynch suggested using a list of alumni who are registered on the website.
Ron Vogel (Treasurer) reported there has been no update on the 501(c)3 application. This is not unusual. Ron presented a proposed budget for the 2022-2023 CUAA fiscal year. The budget is increased from the previous two years to account for a return to in-person activities, 501(c)3 status, and website redesign. There was discussion regarding the budget needed for in-person Council meetings and events. Mariam Cantelmi asked whether funding will remain the same as a 501(c)3. Ron said that about 10% of the CUAA budget would need to be from the public, the rest could be from the school. Mariam also asked if volunteer time spent on CUAA matters could be accounted for. Ron said he would investigate the issue.
Anna Brook moved to present a budget of $24,500 to the Council for a vote and, if approved, for presentation to Cooper Union. Ron Vogel seconded. The budget was approved by general consent.
The Executive Committee reviewed the remaining edits to the By-Laws. The number of nominees for the Nominating Committee was increased from 12 to 18. Whether Officers should have two year terms, the length of time a former President serves on the Executive Committee, the Communications Committee Chair role on the Executive Committee, and the membership of the Executive Committee. There was discussion regarding whether the Constitution Committee should be a standing or ad hoc committee. Mary Lynch explained that a Constitution Committee can provide interpretations when asked by the Executive Committee or Council.
Robert Tan asked the group whether to plan for a hybrid in-person / online meeting. Mary Lynch said the technology is likely ok, and suggested an assistant to the Secretary to handle the online chat. It was decided to try a hybrid meeting.
Anna Brook moved to adjourn the meeting. Ron Vogel seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.