November 5, 2020 – Held via Zoom
Meeting started at 6:36pm
Margaret Matz opened the meeting. She mentioned a tribute is being prepared for Rachel Warren (outgoing Chair of the Board of Trustees).
Anna Brook presented the minutes from the October 1 Executive Committee Meeting. Proposed edits were incorporated. The October 1 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by the Executive Committee. Anna Brook presented the minutes from the October 20 Executive Committee Meeting. No proposed edits were made. The October 20 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by the Executive Committee.
Rob Marano presented on behalf of the Annual Fund. He spoke about meetings with Cooper Union personnel (e.g., Terri Coppersmith) and working with Cooper Union and the Events Committee to reach fundraising goals and to increase alumni participation. He mentioned a letter that was going to go to the Alumni from the Annual Fund Committee in the Newsletter.
Rob highlighted that the first official meeting with Terri Coppersmith is important.
Mary Lynch said that Facebook is doing a donation day where they increase donations for a particular day and asked what the school is doing for that day.
Mary also mentioned that fundraising goals are set in the 10 year plan and if a goal is set different from the 10 year plan, the alumni would need a justification for the change. Carol Wolf mentioned that fundraising goals might not seem clear because the milestones set forth in the 10-year Plan include all current-use fundraising, not just the Annual Fund.
Carol said that Cooper Union leadership is doing a good job expanding relations with the greater community and expanding the pool of donors – through events like An Evening with the Glorias and Samantha Bee’s event.
Anna Brook mentioned Giving Tuesday (Dec. 1) and Planned Giving Webinar (Nov. 17) as potential giving opportunities. Margaret Matz mentioned that an Alumni / Trustees event is being planned for Dec. 8 and that can also be used to promote giving.
A Special Meeting was set to address Communications for Nov. 11.
Mary Lynch reported for the Nominating Committee. She reminded everyone that the committee is collecting nominations for the next election. Mary had a meeting with Cristina Ross to get an idea from the Board of Trustees what qualities they are looking for.
Margaret Matz asked if there are areas that need more nominations. Mary said there is only one nominee for Secretary and one for Treasurer. There are about four for Trustee. But it is premature to say anything since nominations are still coming in. Margaret asked if it makes sense to extend nominations for another two weeks. Mary said that it does not, the window was already extended to avoid overlap with the Awards nominations.
Donato Giacalone asked what happens if a position does not have nominees. Mary said that the Nominating Committee finds someone to nominate.
Margaret Matz asked whether there should be an MOA committee this year. The take-away from discussions with advisors are that the MOA can move forward while tax status is being confirmed. Mary suggested that Margaret ask Nils Anderson if he would like to continue as the Chair of the MOA committee. Margaret agreed that this was a good idea. The committee was Nils, Carol, and Karina, with Paul participating as CUAA President.
Ron Vogel reported that he is working with Dan Burke on tax submissions and further updates will be sent via email.
Anna Brook asked the status of final approvals for the budget and whether it needs to be voted on by the full Council. It was decided that the budget will be presented at the next Council meeting for approval.
Mary asked what will be presented at the next Council meeting. Margaret said Melody Baglione will be the speaker. Mary suggested Laura Spinner should report on Awards.
Carol Wolf mentioned that monthly Council meetings are a recent development and perhaps less frequent meetings are sufficient during slower times. Mary also mentioned that November and December are busy months for committees and holidays. The decision was made to cancel the Dec. 17 Council meeting. This will be announced during the Nov. 19 Council meeting.
Mary reminded the group about the Turkey Trot (Saturday following Thanksgiving) and that it will be done virtually this time. All alumni are invited. She also said the Motor Sports group is designing an electric car and they welcome CUAA involvement.
Carol Wolf asked Donato Giacalone about membership of the school sub-committees. Donato mentioned that more Engineering grads would be helpful.
Lynn Lander moved to adjourn the meeting. Carol Wolf seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.