October 27, 2022 – Held via Zoom
Meeting started at 6:39pm
Anna Brook (CUAA Secretary) presented the minutes from the September 7, 2022 Executive Committee Meeting. There were no proposed edits. The September 7 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent.
Robert Tan (President) reported that CUAA was approved for a Google Workspace for Non-profits account. Folder mapping is underway to determine how to best transition to Google Workspace. He also reported materials are being prepared for transition to the new website.
Robert Tan reported he communicated with Cooper Union regarding the MOA. He addressed the number of Alumni Trustees during and after the Consent Decree. A goal is to finalize a MOA before the end of the CUAA year. Discussion was had regarding CUAA fundraising and use of funds for CUAA expenses.
Robert Tan reported that Ciera Lowe met with the chairs of the awards committees and established a schedule for nominations and the selection process.
Robert said that there is a Council meeting on December 14, which could be done just prior to the holiday party. The other option is to have the party on December 15. Several members expressed a preference for December 14.
To help meet the 10% fundraising requirement for CUAA, Council members will be asked to donate.
Laura Spinner (Nominating Committee Chair) suggested having a Nominations Season for both awards and elections nominations. This is to avoid overlap and to provide sufficient time for nominations for both awards and nominations. The Nominating Committee expects to finish soliciting nominations in early to mid-November. Laura expects the Slate will be ready by Feb. 1, and presented to Council on Feb. 8. Meet the Candidates night will be March 15.
Robert Tan reported that Doug Sharrott reviewed elections software and selected Election Buddy to manage elections. There is a nominal fee for using the software, and the results can be certified for an additional fee, thus eliminating or simplifying the Tellers’ Committee
Robert Tan said Cooper Union’s party for larger donors will be Dec. 5. The CUAA party will likely be Dec. 14.
Mariam Cantelmi (Annual Fund Chair) reported that there is a goal of attracting 400 new alumni donors. The committee plans to focus on four events and is expecting to hear soon from Cooper Union regarding those events. There are additional tracking tools that Cooper Union will be providing.
Margaret Matz (Faculty/Student Liaison) reported that the committee had a meeting with Acting Dean Eber, Donato Giacalone, and Michelle Lederer. Acting Dean Eber had positive feedback regarding how the committee interacted with the school in 2021. There was a suggestion to have alternates in case the representatives cannot attend, which would need to be approved by the schools. The committee met with Dean Essl, Julian LaVerdier, Claudia Giordano, Michael Braithwaite, Chris Coryat, Tai Blanche, and Margaret Matz. There was discussion regarding funding for the Saturday program, which appears to be going well. Lou Manzione reported that there is a scheduled meeting with Dean Shoop. He reported meetings with Bell Labs and NEC and Dean Shoop and Laura Sparks that went well. The efforts secured some equipment that Cooper Union needed.
Anna Brook moved to adjourn the meeting. Ron Vogel seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.