The Saturday Program and Marina Gutierrez A’81
Marina Gutierrez began working with the Saturday Program while she was an Art Student at The Cooper Union, and has been it’s director and champion for more than 3 decades. In 1981, the student...
Marina Gutierrez began working with the Saturday Program while she was an Art Student at The Cooper Union, and has been it’s director and champion for more than 3 decades. In 1981, the student...
You are invited to learn about the changes to the Saturday Program and Art Outreach Programs The Event is recorded on Video. View Here. Presented by: Laura Sparks, President, The Cooper Union Toni Torres,...
The Saturday Program End of Year Exhibit was April 4 to April 8, 2016 Here are some photos taken by Claudia Giordano Lasky The Senior student shows began on March 1 and run...
Nils Folke Anderson A’94 Nils Folke Anderson is a painter and sculptor. He, his wife, Alexandra Posen and their children live in the Red Hook section of Brooklyn. Nils graduated from The Cooper...
Nyeema Morgan, A ’00 Note: This profile was published in the CUAA January 2013 Newsletter. Nyeema Morgan is an artist living and working in New York City. Over the past few years she has...
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