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The following alumni passed away in 2016

Stasia J. Abraham (attended CU in the 1940s)  Evelyn Turk Parietti A’46
Thomas Aidala AR’55  Eric G. Porter (left Cooper during WWII)
Judith E. Allen A’44  Madeline Virginia Rabinowitz A’44
Theodore Henry Amberg ME’69  Albert Roberts EE’50
Kenneth Anderson (patron)  Michael Rodzenko Eng (left Cooper to Join the Army in 1942)
Leon Auerbach A’52  Morton (Morty) Rollnik A’50
Franklin K Bayer ChE’66 Jerome Leo Sackman ENG’51
 Anna Beck 1924  Robert Vahe Sahagian ME’43
Alan Berenbaum (professor)  Alfred J. Sanchez (post graduate program)
 Vivian Berman A’50  Lou Schaefer EE’55
Dr. James D. Boulgarides  Arnold Schindel BSE’43
Dr. Abraham Cooper ChE’43 Charles Kurt Schwartz SCE’61
Brian Ganton Sr. A’70  Ernest A. Seglie, Physics 1967
Lenore Greenfield A’47  
John Paul Hefko A’54 Caryl Shapiro  (professor)
Daniel Michael Hegarty CE’64  Evelyne Stalzer ChE’81
Ed Henrion A ’52  Michael Shidlovsky (attended Eng. School in the 1940s)
Shirley Jaffe A’45  Herb Spielman (attended Art School in the 1930s)
Ira W. Kay ChE’62  
Dr. Dan E. Kowler ChE’65
 Josephine Stelter A’44
 Stephen Lerner / Leigh A’51
 Leon Vaselopulos AR’50
  George M. Vogel A (Attended 1957 – 60.)
   John Von Essen  ChE’66
   Carroll Wainwright Trustee from 1970 to 1995
  Theodore Watkin ME’58
   Rudolph F. “Rudi” Weinrich Attended Engineering School in the 1930’s)
  Leo Weitzman ChE’66
  Lionel Winograd A’60
   Arthur Zigas ME’44