Fellow Alumni,
The Cooper Union Alumni Council strongly supports The Cooper Union Plan to Return to Full-Tuition Scholarships (“The Cooper Union Plan”), which aims to return the Cooper Union to a full tuition scholarship institution for undergraduates by 2029. The Cooper Union Plan was developed by the Free Education Committee (FEC) and modified and adopted by the Cooper Union Board of Trustees based on email suggestions and feedback from alumni, students, and faculty at six public forums.
On behalf of The Cooper Union Alumni Association, we extend our deepest thanks and appreciation to the members of the FEC for their time and effort in developing The Cooper Union Plan. The Alumni Council lauds the detailed analysis, contingency plans, and transparency that the FEC produced in its work and thanks the Board for making this firm commitment to free.
To return to a full tuition scholarship policy for undergraduates, there is much work to be done in the upcoming ten years. We agree with the FEC that there is no single solution or fix for the financial situation and that a multi-pronged approach of implementing new and increasing existing revenue streams and further reducing expenses is prudent. Increased fundraising is certainly one of the most significant of those revenue streams and, with that in mind, we alumni can play a critical part in moving the plan along now and in the years to come.
We urge you to voice your support for Cooper Union by:
- Staying informed (here are links to the Cooper Union Plan, Letter from the Board and President Sparks, and public forums on The Cooper Union Plan dated January 29, 2018, February 7, 2018, February 13, 2018, and March 7, 2018);
- Spreading the word to other alumni;
- Volunteering;
- Running for CUAA office and attending CUAA meetings and events; and
- Donating to Cooper Union.
The Alumni Council supports the continuance of the FEC’s work for the foreseeable future and, going forward, will hold forums on the implementation of The Cooper Union Plan and seek input from the entire Cooper community as we work to bring back full tuition scholarships for all undergraduates.
Our alumni continue to make a lasting global impact in all facets of society. We will intensify our efforts to share their achievements outside the Cooper community as we move forward, broadening support for the vision and mission of The Cooper Union, and widening recognition for the dedication and creativity of our students, faculty and staff, and all our alumni. Much like our founder Peter Cooper, who helped bring us the transatlantic cable and steam engine locomotive, we all need to take the school to a new frontier. With a united Cooper community, great things will be achieved.
The Alumni Council of the Cooper Union Alumni Association