Upcoming Holiday Events
CUAA Happy Hour @Phebe’s
Join fellow Cooper Union ALUMNI on November 22nd for a CATCH-UP with old classmates, connect with new Alumni.
Phebe’sTavern /359 Bowery, New York, on the corner of Bowery and East 4th Street.
WHEN 6:00 — 9:00 pm Cash Bar / Open to All
The Cooper Union Board of Trustees, President Laura Sparks and The Cooper Union Alumni Association invite you to the second annual Holiday Party!
We hope you’ll be able to join for the festivities!
WHEN Tuesday, December 10 / 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
WHERE Phebe’s Tavern / 359 Bowery, New York, on the corner of Bowery and East 4thStreet. We look forward to seeing you there!
Register HERE
Call for Nominations & Self Nominations
CUAA Executive Committee Positions. The Cooper Union Alumni Association (CUAA) is seeking energetic and committed alumni to lead our 13,000-member organization. Alumni Trustee, Secretary, and other executive-level positions are open for terms beginning in July 2020.
CUAA Council Members and Nominating Committee Positions. The CUAA is also seeking nominees for Council members and for members of the 2021 Nominating committee. If you or someone you know is passionate about Cooper Union and wants to help direct our association, we welcome your/their nomination. CUAA’s mission is to support our diverse and talented alumni through engagement, advocacy, and communications. We work closely with the administration to support Cooper Union’s goal of higher education excellence and returning our school to tuition-free status. We also offer programs that link students and alumni fostering strong relationships for the future.
To nominate yourself or someone:
Email: contact@cooperalumni.org. Include in the subject line Nomination for (include position). In the body of the email include
the name and contact information of the nominee and your name and contact information as nominator. A member of the Nominating Committee will contact the nominee for further information.