2020 Founder’s Day Award Winners
Please join us for the Awards Ceremony on Wednesday evening, February 12, 2020
Livestream Video of Award Ceremony

Awards Ceremony: 6:30-7:15 p.m.
The Frederick P. Rose Auditorium
41 Cooper Square, New York, NY 10008

Reception: 7:15-9:00 p.m.
Jacques & Natasha Gelman Exhibition Foyer

$40 for 1 General Admission ticket.
$20 for 1 Young Alumni ticket (graduates from the past 10 years)

Please click here to register.

Augustus Saint-Gaudens Award for Professional Achievement in Art
Juan E. Sánchez, A’77

Gano Dunn Award for Professional Achievement in Engineering
Eli Reshotko ME ‘50

John Q. Hejduk Award for Professional Achievement in Architecture
Steven M. Hillyer AR’90

Peter Cooper Public Service Award for Extraordinary Public Service
Marina Gutierrez A’81

CUAA Alumnus of the Year Award for Service to The Cooper Union and to the Cooper Union Alumni Association
Darrell K. Low, EE’89

Click here to register for this event.