November 30 is Giving Tuesday, and this year our Giving Tuesday goal is $1 Million Dollars.

Should you decide to give now, Alumnus George Reeves, ME`64, and his wife Ross Wisnewski, have generously decided to match donations up to $4 Million Dollars.  Your gift today will count towards that total, and best of all, your donation could be amplified by George and Ross’s Challenge.

To Donate Now on The Cooper Union Website, Click Here –

Click here to watch George Reeves and Ross Wisnewski speak about why they chose to donate and why it’s important to support The Cooper Union:

What is Giving Tuesday on FaceBook?

Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to make contributions to charities easily and have the donation matched in part, by Meta. The Facebook platform is set up to accept payments from credit cards issued by banks from around the world, so alumni living overseas may find this a simple way to donate.

Meta will match contributions made via the FB platform until a cap is reached. The time window begins at 8 AM and lasts until the cap is reached. If alumni are donating this way, you are encouraged to do so as close to 8AM EST on 11/30/21 as possible.