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The election is open to all alumni and to Cooper Union students who are graduating in May 2022.

Alumni and graduating students must be registered on with their year of graduation provided, and an email address given. Your ballot will be e-mailed to you using SurveyMonkey software.


Candidate bios and campaign statements can be found here: Election 2022

Meet the Candidates

Attend Meet the Candidates Night.  This event will be held on April 7, 2022 at 7 PM via Zoom. There will be a chance for you to hear from, and ask questions of candidates running for officer positions during this event.


In order to vote, you must be in our email database. If you have been receiving emails from, you will be sent a ballot.

If you are receiving emails from us but have not received the 2022 ballot:

  1. Check your spam folder
  2. Opt-in to SurveyMonkey:
  3. Please email us at and request assistance acquiring the ballot.

If you are not receiving emails from the CUAA, please register on this website: and we will send you a ballot within a week (during the last week we are working as fast as we can to get them out before the deadline).

If you would like to update your registration information to include a new email address, do so here. You must be logged in to the website for the update process.

There may be a delay of a few days between when you register or update your registration, and when you receive your ballot. Please bear with us, the process is manual, and this is 100% volunteer run.

Thank you for voting.