September 27, 2021 – Held via Zoom
Meeting started at 6:30 pm.
Approximately 26 alumni participated.
Robert Tan (CUAA President) opened the meeting. Attendees briefly introduced themselves.
Anna Brook (CUAA Secretary) presented the May 19, 2021 Meeting Minutes. Edits were addressed and incorporated. The May 19, 2021 Meeting Minutes were approved by general consent.
Robert suggested having Council meetings approximately every six weeks (next meeting being in early November).
Robert Tan stressed the importance of every Council member being on a committee. He asked that Council members who were on committees reach out to him and suggest members and/or chairs. Laura Spinner noted that the Awards Committees need to start their work very soon, so anyone interested in working on Awards Committees should reach out to her. Barry Drogin agreed that all elected Council members serve on a committee.
Ron Vogel (CUAA Treasurer) provided an update on 501(c)3 status application. Ron explained that the application is needed to better align CUAA’s work with the tax status. He said CUAA is likely a few weeks away from filing for 501(c)3 status, and the review will then take some months. Ron mentioned that a requirement of 501(c)3 is to have 10% of the budget come from members. Carol Wolf pointed out that messaging regarding funding for CUAA would have to be clear and not interfere with CUAA’s fundraising for the Annual Fund. Jim Liubicich provided background on the alumni vote that overwhelmingly was in favor of 501(c)3 status.
Robert mentioned that there are upcoming events organized by Cooper Union. Robert will try to knit the school and CUAA/Executive Committee closer together via invitations to events.
Rob Marano reported that the Annual Fund Committee had a relatively successful year, given that this was a pandemic year. Anna Brook read the Annual Fund numbers provided by Rob Marano, which are included in the Annual Fund end of year report. Rob Marano suggested that Robert Tan work with the OoAA to have updated fundraising reports. Claudia Giordano suggested a phone-a-thon from home.
Robert addressed ideas for alumni engagement such as a Cooper Plus card that would provide Cooper students/alumni a discount at local vendors. In return, vendors could receive free tickets to Great Hall events. Robert also asked that the Membership Committee come up with a survey that could be used to obtain ideas about how people are involved or not. Patricia Reddington suggested organizing local events in places that have some concentration of alumni. Mariam Cantelmi mentioned the importance of tracking as many alumni as possible, locating them, and using the information for fundraising.
Donato Giacalone reported that Dean Tehrani is retiring and there will be a search for a new Dean of the Architecture school.
Mary Lynch (chair of Nominating Committee) proposed that CUAA start solicitating nominations for the Spring Ballot and the nominations be closed by Oct. 30, 2021. Bernie Codd said he would be on the Communications Committee and assist with getting the word out. Mary Lynch asked for any artists who can help with graphic design. Margaret Matz mentioned that Theo Stewart-Stand offered to work on graphics. Mary Lynch will reach out to Theo.
Scott Lyne asked if someone from the Alumni Office can make a presentation at a Council meeting about what their expectations are from the CUAA, and the working relationship between CUAA and OoAA. Bernie Codd mentioned that the previous year, several committee chairs met regularly with OoAA.
Barry Drogin moved to adjourn. Anna Brook seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 pm.