February 28, 2017 – Full Council Meeting
Minutes Agenda: Official Minutes: To be uploaded upon approval by Council Materials Provided: Newsletter Summary: Livestream Adopted Motions and Resolutions Proceedings and Summary None published.
Minutes Agenda: Official Minutes: To be uploaded upon approval by Council Materials Provided: Newsletter Summary: Livestream Adopted Motions and Resolutions Proceedings and Summary None published.
Minutes Agenda: CUAA_111716_Agenda Official Minutes: To be uploaded upon approval by Council Materials Provided: 091316_ExecCommMinutes; 101716_ExecCommMinutes; CUAA Membership Committee_Database update Newsletter Summary: Livestream Adopted Motions and Resolutions Motion to accept meeting minutes for the...
Minutes Agenda: CUAA_092116_Agenda Official Minutes: CUAA_092116_MeetingMinutes_FINAL Materials Provided: Certificate of Amendment CUAA August 10 2016; Schedule-A-By-Laws-2016 (Revised for Council Vote June 21 2016 further revised Sept 14 2016 by Excomm), Schedule-B-Conflict-of-Interest-Policy (Revised with Signature...
Founder’s Day 2015 Written by: Yinna Wang, CE’05 and Mary Lynch ChE’82. Photos by Philip Brandon, A’73, Mary Lynch ChE’82, Sean Cusack BSE’98 and Maureen Rozanski The Annual Founder’s Day Celebration was held on...
Agenda Election Results Motion to support the Faculty-Student Senate Resolution regarding an Interim President Discuss the Attorney General investigation Discuss the next Cooper Community Summit Set agenda for Next Council Meeting on May 14...
Agenda Meeting Information Facebook Agenda and RSVP CUAA Council Meeting Video CUAA Council Meeting Photos Adopted Motions and Resolutions A motion was adopted to publish the election tallies for the CUAA officers recently...
Rescheduled for April 14 Rose Auditorium, New Academic Building, Cooper Union Attend in person or remotely. Event will be streamed at livestream.com/cooperuniontaskforce and questions will be taken from the livestream chat room. Videos, pictures...
From: John Leeper, CUAA President To: All Alumni Date: March 4, 2015 Re: Upcoming CUAA Election Dear Fellow Cooper Union Alumni, On March 15, 2015, the CUAA election will begin. It includes President, Alumni Trustee,...
From: CUAA Council To: All Alumni Date: March 2, 2015 CUAA Council Votes 21-1 to Pursue Change of Tax-Exempt Status to a 501(c)3 Organization Council Vote in Favor A motion was made and passed...
2015 CUAA ALUMNI AWARDEES ANNOUNCED! Leonardo Drew A’85 Paul A Strassmann CE’53 Gloria Simoneaux A’74 Evan Douglis AR’83 February 24, 2015 Dear fellow Alumni, We are honored and excited to present our Alumni Awardees...
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