- Agenda: CUAA_092116_Agenda
- Official Minutes: CUAA_092116_MeetingMinutes_FINAL
- Materials Provided: Certificate of Amendment CUAA August 10 2016; Schedule-A-By-Laws-2016 (Revised for Council Vote June 21 2016 further revised Sept 14 2016 by Excomm), Schedule-B-Conflict-of-Interest-Policy (Revised with Signature Receipt Page);
- Newsletter Summary:
- Livestream
Adopted Motions and Resolutions
- Motion to approve FY2017 Budget – passed
- Motion to vote to accept bylaws as presented – passed, with modification
- Motion to approve amendment of the Certificate of Amendment of the Certificate of Incorporation of the CUAA incorporated under 803 of the Not-for-Profit corporation law as distributed to be filed with the NYS Department of State – passed, with amendment.
Proceedings and Summary
None published.