Leonardo Drew A’85 | Paul A Strassmann CE’53 | Gloria Simoneaux A’74 | Evan Douglis AR’83 |
February 24, 2015
Dear fellow Alumni,
We are honored and excited to present our Alumni Awardees for the 2015 Founder’s Day Alumni Awards.
Each year, our CUAA Alumni Awards committees accepts your nominations for outstanding alumni. This year we had many strong candidates, and through a rigorous selection process we are proud to announce our Awardees in the following award categories:
Augustus Saint-Gaudens Award for Professional Achievement in Art: Leonardo Drew, A’85
Gano Dunn Award for Professional Achievement in Engineering, Industry, Science, or Finance: Paul A. Strassmann, CE’53
John Q. Hedjuk Award for contributions to Theory, Teaching, and/or Practice of Architecture: Evan Douglis, AR’83
The Peter Cooper Public Service Award: Gloria Simoneaux, A’ 74
We invite you, your friends, and your families to join us and celebrate their accomplishments and contributions at our Founder’s Day Celebration, April 26, 2015. Save the date – more information to come!
Please consider making a donation to support our Founder’s Day celebration here. Your donation will be tax-deductible, and will go towards making our event a reality. We deeply appreciate your support. Thank you!
Founder’s Day is always looking for volunteers and participants. If you are interested, please contact cuaa-foundersday-planning@googlegroups.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
Have you seen our new website at cooperalumni.org?You’ll find lots of information about previous Founder’s Day Celebrations and Awardees, including the following highlights!
Alumni Hall of Fame | The Augustus Saint-Gaudens Award | The John Q. Hejduk Award | The Gano Dunn Award | The Peter Cooper Public Service Award | Newsletter Highlights from Founder’s Day 2014Plus look for more information about upcoming events, like these:
- Election “Rock The Vote” Committee
February 24, 2015 - Spring Mock Interview Night
February 26, 2015 - Events Committee
March 3, 2015 - Executive Committee
March 10, 2015 - Alumni Council
March 18, 2015 – 18:30 - Founder’s Day 2015 Awards Ceremony and Celebration
April 26, 2015
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