September Board Report
September 21, 2012 The Office of the President is pleased to introduce a Board Report which will provide information about decisions and other outcomes that result from the quarterly Board of Trustees meetings. The...
Recent Emails to Alumni
September 21, 2012 The Office of the President is pleased to introduce a Board Report which will provide information about decisions and other outcomes that result from the quarterly Board of Trustees meetings. The...
Dated: September 3, 2012 Dear Cooper Community: Welcome back to a new academic year! To our incoming class of 2016, we celebrate your joining our community and becoming part of The Cooper Union’s tradition...
04-24-12 A Message from CUAA President Peter Cafiero CE’83 Dear Fellow Alumni: I’d like to share with all of you my thoughts regarding Cooper Union, and the letter sent out today by President Jamshed...
04-24-2012 Update from President Bharucha: Framework for Action Jamshed Bharucha, President Dear Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni and Friends: As I enter the final stretch of my first year as President of Cooper Union,...
11-15-11 Message from CUAA President Peter Cafiero CE’83 To: The Cooper Union Alumni Community From: Peter Cafiero CE’83 – President, The Cooper Union Alumni Association The past two weeks have seen an amazing amount of passion...
November 10, 2011To: The Cooper Union CommunityFrom: Mark Epstein, Chair, Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees, at its November 8 meeting, elected Francois de Menil to the position of Vice Chair of the Board. A...
November 9, 2011 To: The Cooper Union Community From: TC Westcott — Vice President, Finance and Administration Subject: Cooper Union Finance Update I want to update you on two items that we have been...
November 7, 2011 To: The Cooper Union Community From: Cooper Union Board of Trustees Subject: Cooper Union’s Financial Challenges The recent reports in the press and elsewhere about Cooper Union’s financial difficulties have resulted...
November 4, 2011 To: The Cooper Union CommunityFrom: Mark Epstein, Chairman of the Board of Trustees I would like to invite you on behalf of the The Board of Trustees to attend the Cooper Union Community...
9- 03-11 Message from President (link to Message from President Bharucha | The Cooper Union