The Cooper Union Alumni Association (CUAA) provides a vital link between the alumni and the institution, building a strong body of support to preserve, protect and promote The Cooper Union.
Shiori Sasaki received a Bachelor of Architecture from the Cooper Union in 2014. Shiori is a licensed architect and multidisciplinary infrastructure professional with over a decade of experience spanning planning, design, construction, operations, and...
The Cooper Union Alumni Association (CUAA) announced on Founder’s Day that the CUAA Alumnus of the Year is Robert Tan AR’81. This award recognizes alumni who have provided exemplary service to The Cooper Union...
Nils Folke Anderson A’94 Nils graduated from The Cooper Union School of Art in 1994, and earned an MFA from Hunter College in 2007. Soon after graduating from Cooper, Nils helped establish a school...
James Liubicich ChE’83 James Liubicich ChE’83, (Jim) is a Professional Engineer with focused work in wastewater treatment and municipal infrastructure. He makes his home in Glen Ellyn, IL, a suburb of Chicago, with...
Hudson R. Searing EE 1916 Hudson Searing grew up in New York City and in Seattle. He attended high school in Seattle. He began working at New York Edison, a predecessor of Con Edison...
Willard L. Warren, EE’50 Bill Warren, principal of Willard L. Warren Associates, Lighting and Energy Consultants has had a very varied career. Bill’s experience includes Regional Sales and Manufacturing Manager with Holophane and...
John Leeper AR’85 John Leeper AR’85 graduated in 1980 from Wesleyan University with a BA in mathematics and a minor in studio art. After graduation, he attended the Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies,...
John Huddy AR’85 John Huddy was a very active member of the The Cooper Union Community for 30 years. He served on the Alumni Council, the Annual Fund Committee, was Vice President for...
2015 Cooper Union Alumna of The Year Mary K. Lynch, ChE’82, is a CUAA Council member. She is also a member of the Nominating, Communications, Gano Dunn Award and Election committees. She is the...
Alumni Profile: Sean Cusack BSE ’98 Sean Cusack graduated from The Cooper Union in 1998 with a BSE degree. He has worked on software infrastructure for 15 years at Bloomberg LP, Merrill Lynch, and Jefferies...
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