San Francisco Casual Meet-up on 11/16/16
Cooper Friends Meet-up in San Francisco on 11/15/16 Members of the Cooper family from New York and San Fransisco came together on November 15th. Multiple alumni were in town for the AICHE Annual meeting...
Cooper Friends Meet-up in San Francisco on 11/15/16 Members of the Cooper family from New York and San Fransisco came together on November 15th. Multiple alumni were in town for the AICHE Annual meeting...
Bernard Bayuk ME’40 Bernard Bayuk ME’40 attended The Cooper Union with his brother Robert Bayuk ME’43. He had a meritorious career with the US Army Air Corp followed by a career in the aerospace...
This newsletter was originally published on the CUalumni.com website in December of 2008 December 2008 Top of the News James and Marilyn Simons, friends of The Cooper Union, have made an extraordinary...
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