This newsletter has been copied from an earlier CUAA Website. Contact information may be out of date.
Special Election Results
At the July Council Meeting, The Cooper Union Alumni Council approved a motion to hold a a special election to elect three alumni representatives, one from each school, to the Gural/Borkowsky Working Group. The formation of the group was a result of negotiations to end the Occupation of the President’s Office. Over the next few months, the participants in the Working Group will develop a solution to preserve the full tuition scholarship, to be presented to the Board of Trustees this December.
Voting for the Special Election ran from August 8 to August 15, 2013. The three alumni selected to serve on the Working Group include: Barry Drogin, EE ’83, MEE ’86, Victoria Sobel, A ’13 and Robert Tan, AR ’81.
Special thanks to all who voted and participated. There were 21 candidates (click here for bios), plus a write-in option on the ballot. More than 500 alumni voted in the election.
Alumni Council Meeting: August 21, 2013
The meeting was held on August 21, 2013 at 41 Cooper Square in room LL101 from 6:35 to 8:30 p.m. The meeting was opened by CUAA President John Leeper, AR ’85 who acknowledged the presence of the new Dean of Engineering, Teresa Dahlberg; several Cooper Board of Trustee members; Cooper President, Jamshed Bharucha, and members of the Alumni Affairs Office. Highlights include: Special Election results, a preview of Founder’s Day 2014 Celebrations, and the State of the School Address/Q&A session with President Bharucha.
Call for Volunteers: 2013 Fab Festival Costume Workshops
he CUAA events committee is looking for volunteers to participate in costume, puppetry, and procession making. This will be a volunteer-driven opportunity for Cooper Union alumni and friends to dress up as their favorite iconic person, invention, or idea from the chronicle of Cooper Union History. The material produced in the workshops will be used as performance pieces in a procession for The Fourth Street Arts (FAB!) Festival scheduled for September 28. Volunteers will fabricate, customize and, if desired, wear their pieces to the FAB! festival. Volunteers may keep their personalized costumes.
We are looking for volunteers for the following shifts:
- Sunday, 9/1: 1-4 pm (3hr) @ Peter Cooper Park
- Sunday, 9/8: 1-4 pm @ Green Camp, NJ
- Sunday 9/15: 1-4 pm @ Cooper Union (Rm TBD)
- Sunday 9/21: 1-4 pm @ Cooper Union (Rm TBD)
- Saturday 9/28: 1-5p @ FAB Festival
To sign up please email to sign up.
Coordinators: Kelly Occhiuzzo-Zack, A ’89 and Xenia Diente, A ’99
Background: The 10th Annual FAB! Festival is a celebration of arts and cultural activity from across the Lower East Side, which features free performances of dance, theater, and music, as well as arts activities for folks of all ages on East 4th Street between and Bowery. Learn more at
Cooper Spotlight
This August, Clemens Poole, A ’14 – 2013 Benjamin Menschel Fellowship recipient – and a crew of artists will travel the length of the lower Danube on a 35′ sailboat named Hippo. The boat, a wooden schooner built in 1984 by Clemens’ late father, has been alternately a home and a portal to the world, since the family sailed to Europe in 1999. This summer’s voyage focuses on the idea of both river and the boat as vehicles of connection and division along ideological, traditional, political, and emotional lines. The Danube has a lengthy history as both a major transit corridor connecting Europe and a major political and cultural boundary.
The Hippo’s 30 year history, while brief in comparison, has similarly drawn people together and been a device for separation. The crew, made up of Cooper Alumni, current students, and several international artists, intends to create a visual discussion of these related histories using film, video, photography and other media. For more information about this ongoing project see or contact them at
August Events
CU@Ryans’ Pub
New York City area alumni gathered together for happy hour at Ryan’s Irish Pub in the East Village on Wednesday August 14, 2013. The group had a great time catching up with old friends and getting to know new ones. Coordinators Monica Paciorek CE ’07 and Brett Kearon CE ’07 would like to thank the gracious staff at Ryan’s as well as all of the alumni who attended the event.
(Top photo, from left) Monica Paciorek, CE ’07; Tim Bolbrock, EE ’07; Konstantin Boyko, CE ’07; Nick VanVoorthuysen, CE ’07; Michael Gutierrez, ChE ’06.
(Bottom photo, from left) Roger Cost, ME ’07; Monica Paciorek, CE ’07; Rocco Cetera, CE ’99; Sean Cusack, BSE ’98; Alexis Lenza, CE ’05; Susan Detrich, A ’66.
Upcoming Events
8/31/2013 Freshman Move-in Day
If you are interested in helping out as a greeter on this day, please contact Jennifer Durst. LEARN MORE
9/1/2013 CU@Orientation
Please join us to welcome incoming freshman on Sunday, September 1, 2013. The CUAA will host two activities: Cooper T-Shirt Exchange & Costume Workshop (in preparation for the E. 4th Street FAB! Festival in late September). Location: Peter Cooper Park from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
9/8/2013 CU@Ringwood Manor
Meet up with alumni and explore a part of The Cooper Union’s history at Ringwood Manor and Ringwood Park, New Jersey. Take a tour of the Ringwood Park (Home to the Cooper-Hewitt Family from 1854 – 1920s), go for a hike, or grab a table and picnic. Time: 10:00 – 3:00 p.m.
9/12/2013 Welcome Back Happy Hour
Kick off the fall semester with an informal get together on the Alumni Roof Terrace at 41 Cooper Square. Bring a friend to reconnect with Cooper, build your network and enjoy spectacular views of the NYC skyline. Students and alumni are welcome. Hosted by the Financial Services Affinity Group.
9/19/2013 CU@Fenway Park
Join President Jamshed Bharucha, Dean Baker, and fellow alumni for a Red Sox vs. Orioles game at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts. Pre-game reception starts at 5:10 PM, followed by the first pitch at 7:10. REGISTER HERE
9/22/2013 CU@Citizen’s Bank Park
Join President Jamshed Bharucha, Dean Baker, and fellow alumni for a Phillies vs. Mets game at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia, PA. Pre-game reception starts at 12:05 PM, followed by the first pitch at 1:35. REGISTER HERE
9/25/2013 CU@4th Ave. Pub
Join fellow alumni for a casual Happy Hour meet-up. MORE INFO SOON
9/28/2013 CU@Fab Festival
The 10th Annual FAB! Festival is a celebration of arts and cultural activity from across the Lower East Side, which features free performances of dance, theater, and music, as well as arts activities for folks of all ages on East 4th Street between and Bowery. MORE INFO SOON
9/28/2013 Responsible for Greatness Night
Join Dean Baker for the third annual Greatness Night to support Cooper athletics and to honor four alumni and two current students, including: Steve Verderese, EE ’84; Chi Chan, CE ’91; Jessica Galbo, CE ’10/MCE ’12, and Logan Yu, ChE ‘080. Location: The Great Hall at 5:30 PM. Dinner to follow. LEARN MORE
10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24 Master Class with Sue Ferguson Gusssow
Professor Emerita Sue Ferguson Gussow, A ’56 has taught drawing at The Cooper Union for over 40 years. This special Master Drawing Class benefiting The Cooper Union will include four intense evenings of drawing instruction and critique. Enrollment is very limited! Register now with a minimum contribution of $1,500. Deadline to register: Friday, September 27. Contact Jennifer Durst for more information. MORE INFO