Documentary Debuts at Sundance Film Festival
At Sundance this past year, writer-director Andrew Rossi unveiled his new documentary “Ivory Tower”, an investigative work that delves into the student loan crisis and the rising cost of higher education in America. Click here for the theatrical trailer.
Mr Rossi was present during the massive Occupy Wall Street $1 Trillion Student Debt protests, and made frequent visits to speak with students occupying President Bharucha’s office during the summer of 2013. Over the course of the filming for the documentary, he also had the opportunity to interview President Bharucha. While Cooper Union is not the basis for the film, it does play a prominent role, and is represented as a beacon of hope in an otherwise dark educational system.
Several students, many of which are now alumni, participated in the project and are featured in the film. This includes Victoria Sobel A’13, one of this year’s Young Alumni of the Year.

Victoria Sobel A’13, one of this year’s Young Alumni of the Year, giving a presentation during the Summer 2013 occupation of President Bharucha’s office.
Paramount and CNN Distribution
CNN picked up the film, and Participant Media, Paramount and Samuel Goldwyn Films will distribute it. As Variety Magazine stated last month, “Participant Media, which teamed with Paramount Vantage on “Waiting for Superman” in 2010, will mount a social action campaign for “Ivory Tower” in support of the film’s theatrical release.”
Given the popularity and distribution of Waiting for Superman, this could be wonderful news for getting the word out about Cooper Union.
Save the Date – June 14, 2014
Highlight June 14 on your calendar! The Alumni Association is also working with Mr Rossi to secure a showing in the Great Hall.