Recap of Rollout Event
The 2015 CU Motorsports event was heldon April 29th. The festivities began in the Rose Auditorium where the Team was introduced and this video was shown. Video
The a reception was held where students, parents and alumni got to see the car. The car, #86, was complete except for its body work. Each year, the team builds a new car. A few parts may be used fromthe previous car, but the car is redesignd from scratch using lessons learned from the previous year and the FSAE design requirements which change every year. The 2015 car was on display along with posters that explain each of the car’s major systems.
Team members did a great job answering questions and explaining why they feel this is the best car yet designed bythe Cooper motorsports teams. The car has been “road tested” on some Long Island beaches and is said to perform great.
The team also displayed the posters that are a part of the FSAE competition.
Update on FSAE Competition
The annual FSAE Competition held in Brooklyn Michigan began on May 12th, 2015. 120 teams participated in this year’s competition. The Cooper Motorsports team finished the competition in 54th place, which is 12 places better than last year.
The team and car completed the first day inspection events with only one setback which occurred during the brake test. This test involves accelerating and then slamming the brakes to prove that the driver can lock all four wheels. On the second attempt to lock the wheels, a suspension member buckled and broke. Fortunately, the team had had some spare suspension members. They were able to replace the broken linkage and then weld reinforcements to all front suspension members. Within 24 hours, the car was ready to race again. The CU team competed in the autocross and endurance events. Team Captain, Dan Bach reports “For the second year in a row, we finished the endurance event. The team really came together and did an excellent job at getting through a situation that could’ve been much worse.”
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