NEW YORK, NY, September 1, 2015 — The Cooper Union Alumni Association (CUAA) welcomes the statements regarding the mediation of a settlement agreement between the Committee to Save Cooper Union (CSCU) and the Cooper Union Board of Trustees. We are encouraged by the news of this settlement agreement, which mandates increased alumni participation on the Board and the development of a strategic plan to return to the School’s founding tenet of providing full tuition scholarships to all admitted students. As alumni, we are direct beneficiaries of Peter Cooper’s gift of free education, and understand—on a deeply personal level—the importance of the full tuition scholarship in making our alma mater a vibrant and unique environment for learning. Our most recent election results confirm that 98% of voting a lumni support free education at Cooper Union.
As elected representatives of a diverse constituency, the CUAA Council maintained a neutral stance throughout the course of the CSCU litigation, filed with the Supreme Court of the State of New York in late May 2014. However we have, b y resolution, remained steadfastly committed to the preservation of Peter Cooper’s mission and vision, and have welcomed the efforts of the Office of the Attorney General. We are profoundly grateful to the OAG, the Board of Trustees, and CSCU for laying a groundwork in this settlement agreement that seeks a path back to fulfilling Peter Cooper’s founding intent. Furthermore, we are humbled b y and proud of the creative efforts, perseverance, and personal sacrifices made b y countless Cooper Union alumni, students, faculty, and staff in the last four years in their endeavor to defend the historic mission of Cooper Union.
“In the spirit of Peter Cooper’s ‘Union,’ the CUAA stands united with the entire community, willing and ready to commence work on the immense challenge before us,” said Nils Folke Anderson, President of the CUAA. “We welcome this opportunity to provide additional alumni representation on the Board of Trustees, and p ledge to do our part on the road ahead to restore the full scholarship model a t Cooper Union.”
The CUAA looks forward to reestablishing a robust working relationship with the new administration, and to nurturing a supportive relationship with current students that helps maintain and build the quality of education that they deserve. We would like to thank the Office of the Attorney General for recognizing the Cooper Union as a national treasure, and valuing the CUAA’s role in its stewardship.
About the Cooper Union Alumni Association
The Cooper Union Alumni Association (CUAA) was organized in 1936 to foster the loyalty, interest and support of those who studied at this unique institution. The CUAA provides a vital link between the alumni and the institution, building a strong body of support to preserve, protect and promote the Cooper Union. The CUAA comprises all Cooper Union graduates and students who attended the college for a minimum of one year. There are no annual fees for membership. For more information, visit
Media Contact | Ciera Lowe, CUAA Communications Chair | Email: