Are You Registered to Vote? Are your Alumni Friends?
The CUAA Annual Spring Election is underway
This year the election runs from March 27th to May 15th, 2017. If you did not yet receive an electronic ballot, you can still register.
You can find information about all the candidates HERE
Important Dates
March 27, 2017 – Election began
April 25, 2017 – Meet the Candidates Night
April 30, 2017 5 pm EST – Last day to request a paper ballot
May 7, 2017 5 pm EST – Last day to request an electronic ballot
May 15, May 15, 2017 11:59 pm EST – Election Ends
The Cooper Union Alumni Association congratulates our 2017 Alumni Awardees.
Augustus Saint-Gaudens Award for professional achievement in art is presented to: Victor Moscoso A’57
Gano Dunn Award for professional achievement in engineering, industry, science, or finance is presented to: Ronald Brookmeyer Math’75
John Q. Hejduk Award for professional achievement in architecture is presented to: Mark West AR’80
Peter Cooper Public Service Award for exemplary service to the public is presented to: Agustin (Tim) Maldonado AR’66
Alumni of the Year Awards for longstanding dedication and commitment to the CUAA is presented to: Carol E. Wolf A’84 & James Liubicich ChE’83
Young Alumnus of the Year Award for exemplary volunteerism and public service to the CUAA is presented to: Ciera Lowe ChE’14
The Awards Ceremony and reception will be a part of this year’s reunion celebration: Rose Auditorium, 41 Cooper Square, New York, Friday June 2, 6:30 PM Learn More
2/7 – 2/13/17 Cooper Together
Cooper Together was a week-long celebration of the birth of our founder, Peter Cooper. Events were organized by The CU Development Office with cooperation from numerous alumni. Celebrations were held in Boca Raton, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Washington, DC, Houston, Miami, New York, and San Francisco. Learn More
Visions for The Cooper Union
During February and March of 2017 both the President of the Cooper Union, Laura Sparks, and the President of the Cooper Union, Rachel Warren wrote to alumni letters where they stated their visions for out school.
Letter from Laura Sparks Letter from Rachel Warren
Summary of CUAA February 28 Council Meeting
Nils Folke Anderson A’94 opened the meeting. Paul Nikulin CE’06 introduced the Alumni Initiatives Committee (AIC) which matches Alumni talent with the School’s needs. Cooper Union President Laura Sparks spoke. She explained the work that she did in the foundation that she previously led and her thoughts about The Cooper Union. Sean Cusack BSE’98, Chair of the Nominating Committee presented the ballot for the 2017 election at this meeting. Council members nominated alumni for the 2018 Nominating Committee. Ling Chang EE’82 and Mark Vasquez ME’98 led a discussion on Senior voting in CUAA elections. See LiveStream Video
Learn more about the Alumni Initiatives Committee (AIC).
Alumni Trustee Mixer was held on March 21st
The Alumni and Trustee mixer was held at The Cooper Union President’s residence, Fish House, on Stuyvesant Street. Alumni had an opportunity to speak one on one with the trustees who were in attendance. Laura Sparks and Rachel Warren each made a short speech. See Photos
The Albert Nerken School of Engineering held its third From The Lab event on Tuesday February 28, from 6 to 8 PM. at 41 Cooper Square.
From the Lab is a series that showcases work performed by faculty and students in the Albert Nerken School of Engineering. This event showcased projects that focus on energy, environment and fuel.
The evening began with a Presentation in the Rose Auditorium. This was followed by lab tours with presentations by the students which was followed by a Cocktail reception with Engineering faculty and students.
Reunion Weekend
Reunion Weekend will be the first weekend in June. Members of the class of 1967 will be celebrating their Golden Legion. Several other classes will be marking milestones. Milestone class years are:’57, ’62, ’67, ’72, ’77, ’82, ’87, ’92, ’97, ’02, ’07, ’12. Reunion Weekend events are open to all alumni. Reunion Weekend includes some events that are tailored to specific milestone class years. You can learn more about Reunion Weekend here. Learn More Tickets are available at the early bird price through April 30, 2017.
Alumni Ambassadors
Spring recruitment is in full swing. High school Juniors are attending college information sessions and fairs. Alumni volunteers are sought to Assist. Staff from the Office of Admissions attend college fairs to meet with prospective students and their families. These events are effective in providing information to prospective students about Cooper Union regarding the application process, life at Cooper Union etc. Schedules permitting, Cooper Union Alumni Ambassadors volunteer to attend these events alongside a member of the Office of Admissions. We are always seeking to hear from those interested assisting with recruitment events. If you are interested in learning more about the Alumni Ambassador Program, send an email to
Annual Fund Update
The CUAA encourages support of the Annual Fund as the top choice for alumni, parents and friends looking to make donations to Cooper Union. An Annual Fund donation is unrestricted, making it a flexible and instantly available source of student funding that can be used when and where it is needed the most. Please click here to make your tax-deductible donation to the Annual Fund.
Gifts to this year’s Annual Fund may be made through June 30, 2017. Watch for news from the CUAA about upcoming fundraising activities and how you can get involved.
Mock Interview Night
February 23, 2017 was Mock Interview Night. This year the event is a collaboration with all three schools participating. The event is organized by The Office of Alumni Affairs and the Center for Career Development with participation by the CUAA. During the fall of
2016, this bi-annual event was expanded to include architecture students. In February, it expanded to also include art students. Sixteen alumni joined members of the school staff to perform mock interviews and information sessions with 25 students.
Alumni Directory is On-Line
Use it to find your classmates. This feature is found by selecting the Alumni Tab on the website. Next select, Find Your Classmates in the column on the left side of the page. You will need to log in as an alumnus. If you remember your password from the prior school website, that works. If you need to create a login or get a new password, follow the instructions on the screen for doing so.
In Memoriam
Professor Emeritus Arthur H. Corwin A’54 passed away in Maine on March 28, 2017 at the age of 88. Remembered fondly by many as a professor of sculpture and prehistoric symbolism, Corwin taught at Cooper Union from 1966 until his retirement in 2000. He was also an alumnus, earning a Certificate of Art in 1954, Acting Dean of the School of Art during multiple transition periods, and played an active role in the Art Admissions Committee for many years. Alumni have provided some of their memories of Arthur. Read Tribute
Sadly we have lost several alumni during 2017. In Memoriam listing
Alumni accomplishments featured prominently on our website… Please take a look!
Share your accomplishments by posting them on The Official CUAA FaceBook page and LinkedIn Group
Alumni Profile – James Fitzgerald
James Fitzgerald was born in Ireland on Oct. 28, 1851. He attended public schools in New York City, and The Cooper Union. In 1874, he was president of The Cooper Union Literary Class. James graduated from Columbia Law School and practiced law in New York City. He was Assistant District Attorney of New York County from 1884 to 1888, a judge of the New York City Court of General Sessions from 1890 to 1898; and a justice of the New York Supreme Court from 1901 to 1912. He presided in 1907 over the first trial of Harry K. Thaw for the murder of Stanford White.
Judge James Fitzgerald gave a speech at the Founder’s Day Celebration marking Peter Cooper’s 100th Birthday on behalf of the Cooper Union Alumni Association.
3/29 – 4/29/17 John Hejduk Works / Jan Palach MemoriaL
This exhibition includes works located outside the foundation building, the Foundation Building 2nd Floor hallways and the Houghton Jr. Gallery. The School of Architecture installed the Jan Palach Memorial on the plaza outside The Cooper Union’s Foundation Building. The exhibition Hélène Binet – John Hejduk Works presents seven of Hejduk’s built works as photographed by Hélène Binet, a renowned London-based photographer. Also on display in the Houghton Gallery are several books written by, or about John Q. Hejduk A’50.
Student Exhibitions: Opening April 4, Opening April 11, Opening April 18, Opening April 25
4/15/2017 Culture Show
This annual show is loved by all. Every year the South Asian Society at The Cooper Union hosts a Culture Show showcasing all the diverse clubs and individuals on campus. CU students perform music, comedy, and dance numbers that reflect the many cultures found a The Cooper Union. The event is located in the Great Hall. This year’s lineup includes Ballroom Dance, Coopernova, Coopertones, Chinese Yo-Yo, and much much more! Bring your families and children! Event is free and open to the public.
Please RSVP here:
It begins at 6PM. Doors open at 5:30 PM.
4/25/17 Meet the Candidate Night
“Meet The Candidates Night” will be held on April 25th from 6:30-9:30 PM, in Room 201/201A in 41 Cooper Square building.
Candidates for Alumni trustee, CUAA President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP of Events, and VP Faculty-Student Liason will give brief remarks of 2-4 minutes, introducing themselves and their goals, and take part in a Q&A session (together with competing candidates) that should last ~10 minutes, with questions being both prepared by the Election Committee and sourced from the CUAA community. Candidates for Council and Nominating Committee will be given an opportunity to briefly introduce themselves and there will be an open period of about an hour at the end of the event where the candidates will mingle with event attendees.
5/1/17 CU Motorsports Car Roll-Out
Cooper Motorsports will be holding a rollout event to show alumni, students, professors, friends, and family the finished FSAE race car. They would love to see you there, May 1st from 6 to 9 pm. Alumni are invited to come see the car that will race in the FSAE event held in Brooklyn, MI 5/9 -5/17/17. Students will give presentations on each of the car’s systems and then unveil the 2017 car. This year’s car will wear the number 62. The Roll-out event will be held in the foyer of 41 Cooper Square. Cooper Motorsports has been busy building a race car for the annual FSAE competition held at the Michigan International Speedway. This year’s car features a whole array of new design features: including a new wheel and suspension design, an aerodynamics package (front and rear wings), and a totally redesigned body, built to represent Cooper the way it deserves with input from the art school.
From May 9th to May 15th the team will be at competition. Alumni local to Michigan, please feel free to visit the Cooper Motorsports paddock at the Speedway. The paddock number will be posted on our “Cooper Motorsports” Facebook page when it is announced. If you want to help, the team can always use food and advice. The team relies on alumni for donations and direction! Learn More
5/22/17 End Of Year Show Opens
6/2/17 CUAA Awards including Hall of Fame Award Presentations
6:30 PM The Gano Dunn, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, John Q. Hejduk, and Peter Cooper Public Service Awards will be presented and the awardees will be inducted into The Cooper Union Hall of Fame. The Alumni of the Year and The Young Alumna of the Year Award will also be awarded. Alumni, Students, Parents and Friends are all invited. This year, the ceremony will be held in the Rose Auditorium, 41 Cooper Square. Learn More
6/2 – 6/4/17 Reunion Weekend with 3 Days of Activities
Reduced price tickets are available during the month of April Learn More
Pioneer Stories
All editions of the CU Student Newspaper, The Pioneer, can be read on-line.
The Cooper Union |Alumni Affairs & Development| Trustee Reports | Faculty-Student Senate Reports | Engineering Student Council Reports | CUAA FaceBook Page