Larry Weintraub ChE 1942, was born May 5, 1921 in Jersey City, N.J and passed away on June 13, 2011.

In 1942 Larry graduated from Cooper Union Institute of Technology in New York City with a degree in chemical engineering.  In 1969, he received a master’s degree in nuclear engineering from the University of New Mexico.
In 1944 Larry joined the Navy and served as an electrical technician aboard the USS Wyoming in the Atlantic theater. In 1946, Larry accepted a position as a staff member with the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. He worked in various sites at LANL and participated in the Pacific Island H-bomb tests and the Las Vegas A-bomb tests. Retiring in 1981 after 35 years, Larry continued to work part-time as a consultant.

In 1997, he was part of a panel that spoke about building a Jewish Community in Los Alamos in the 1940s and 1950s.  He is idendified in the program as one of the community’s founders.

Larry was one of the founding members of the Los Alamos Jewish Center and was active in the Kiwanis Club.  He was also an active jogger who participated in several marathons.


  1. Obituary in The Los Alamos Monitor Online,  Wednesday, June 22, 2011:  Link
  2. Atomic Heratage Foundation “Larry Weintraub-Project Staff, Los Alamos, NM”  Link
  3. Program for New Mexico Jewish Historical Society 10th Annual Conference, 1997.  Link