Fellow Alumni,

Four years ago, just before I began serving as Annual Fund chair, the CUAA election ballot included a referendum on free tuition.  Ninety-eight percent of responding alumni voted to support a return to Cooper Union’s full tuition scholarships. It was a clear message that reflects how much we care about restoring the historic mission of our Cooper Union: to provide a free education that is equal to the best.

There have been many positive changes at Cooper Union since that historic vote—changes that promise to make Cooper better, more diverse, and financially resilient. We’re not back to free yet, but last year the Board approved a comprehensive 10-year plan to return The Cooper Union to full-tuition scholarships for all undergraduate students.  This plan needs your support in order to succeed. 

Let me just say that one more time: This plan needs your support in order to succeed. I know that alumni are deeply concerned that we are still charging tuition and yearn to return to full-tuition scholarships. The 98% referendum vote proves it. To achieve this goal, we need everyone’s support through giving to the Annual Fund.

We are fast approaching the end of this fiscal year and, as of this writing, we still need 738 alumni to donate in order to reach last year’s level of participation (and more to surpass it).

Here’s some good news: I hope by now you’ve read this week’s exciting announcement that, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, all new and increased gifts will be matched, up to $5 million!* You can help bring us closer to turning a $5 million grant into $10 million by making a gift to Cooper Union today. 

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Annual Fund before June 30th, the end of this fiscal year. If you’ve already made a gift to the Annual Fund this fiscal year, thank you so much for your generosity, and for helping in our effort to achieve our goals.  With gratitude,

Carol Wolf A’84
Co-Chair, CUAA Annual Fund Committee

* The last day to give for the fiscal year is June 30th, but the $5 million challenge has just begun. Donate to Cooper today to help us reach our goal! 

The CUAA encourages support of the Annual Fund as the top choice for alumni, parents and friends looking to make donations to Cooper Union. An Annual Fund donation is unrestricted, making it a flexible and instantly available source of student funding that can be used when and where it is needed the most. Please make your tax deductible gift here.
 Gifts to this year’s Annual Fund may be made through June 30, 2019.