Charles Bliss ChE’39/PDE’48 has had a long and international career in power plant technology, promoting and developing local energy in all five continents with a focus on the developing world. He served on the Senior Staff at the Mitre Corporation and Foster Wheeler Corporation, and as a Physical Scientist with the US Agency for International Development. His work has involved long periods of residence in Nigeria, the Philippines, Colombia and Pakistan. His focus has largely been on adapting technologies in fossil energy production and utilization. This continues in his current position as Vice President of Engineering at Moseley Horizon, Inc., concentrating on energy supply problems in Pakistan.
At age 98, Charles Bliss earned his 5th Patent. Charlie Bliss and Charley Moseley earned patent in 2015 for method for cultivating and processing microalgae, in an enclosed container, known as a photo-bioreactor, to convert carbon dioxide and sunshine into compounds that can be made into cattle feed and into bio diesel fuels.
Charles Bliss received the CUAA Gano Dunn
He enjoyed some fame in January of 2019 when he appeared on both the CBS Evening News and in a 60 Minutes Segment. He had recently been awarded a patent at age 101.
In June of 2018 Charles Bliss, along with his partner Charles Moseley received a patent for a design to capture carbon dioxide emissions from power plants that burn fossil fuels to prevent them from entering the atmosphere.
- Greenspring Resident and Colleague Receive U.S. Patent for Process Aimed at Combating Global Warming,” Erikson Communitty Newsletter, Greenspring, VA 2016. Read Article
- CBS Evening News interview. “101-year-old inventor has plan to battle climate change,” January 2019. View Interview
- AICHE CheConnected, “101-year-old Chemical Engineer Awarded Patent,” January 2019. Read Article