5 Million Dollar Donation Match Opportunity

THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the Annual Fund last fiscal year. Your generous support has helped keep Cooper Union on track to achieve the goals set forth in the 10-year plan to return to 100% scholarships for all students! And this year, thanks to a generous anonymous donor, you can take advantage of a new matching grant that will match all new and increased gifts up to $5 million, effectively doubling your donation. Your gifts can be made for any purpose—for the Annual Fund, for scholarships, or for any part of the School that is important to you. Click here to read more.
Design Intelligence Ranks The CU School of Architecture as one of the Top 10 Architecture Schools in the US
On October 1, 2019, Architecture Record published the Design Intelligence annual ranking of U.S. architecture schools. The Cooper Union School of Architecture ranked 4th on the Most Highly Admired Architect Schools list, up one notch from last year. The rating is based on survey responses from 4,000 hiring managers. Read Article
Thank You for Your Nominations for 2020 Alumni Awards!
Nominations were accepted through November 3rd, 2019 for the following Awards: Peter Cooper Service Award; Gano Dunn Award; John Q. Hejduk Award; Augustus Saint-Gaudens Award. Any nominations that were submitted after that date will be considered for the 2021 awards.
The Award winners will be announced in February 2020.
Nominate an alumnus or alumna for a position on the 2020 Ballot

Nominations are being accepted for positions on the spring 2020 ballot. This includes VP Alumni activities, VP Faculty Student Liason, Alumni Trustee, Secretary, Treasurer, Council Members and members of the 2021 Nominating Committee.
To nominate yourself or someone you know, email contact@cooperalumni.org. Include in the subject line Nomination for (include position). In the body of the email include the name of the nominee and contact information as well as your name and contact information. A member of the Nominating Committee will contact you/nominee for further information. Learn More
Recent Events
Bay Area Alumni Tour Three Historical Sites in Sonoma Valley

Hsu-Wei Shueh EE’90 and Bob Alwitt CHE’54 organized a great Bay Area Cooper Alumni day trip where alumni visited Petaluma Adobe, General Valeo’s Home, and Mission Francisco Solano on Saturday, September, 2019.
CU on Wall Street Annual Fall Mixer

The Cooper Union on Wall Street Alumni Affinity Group (CUWS) held a successful annual Fall networking event on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at The Copper Still .
Caribbean Art Screening and Poetry Reading at The Cooper Union
An exhibition of short films and poetry readings was held at The Cooper Union, 41 Cooper Square, room 206, on October 26, 2019.
The Screenings were held October 26 – 27, at 10 AM – 6 PM
Gloria, Video by Jean-Ulrick Desert AR’85
Untitled, Video by Cozbi Cabrera
The Readings were held on Saturday, October 26, at 4 PM
Columbus, the Moor by Charles Albert Matz II
Book of the Dead by Lasana Sekou
The Salt Reaper by Lasana Sekou
The annual month long event, Archtober celebrating the great architecture of New York City, launched on October 1st featuring hundreds of events, tours and exhibitions organized by more than 60 organizations and firms across all five boroughs. Several alumni participated as hosts and speakers. Learn More
Alumni in the News

Toshiko Mori AR’76 will receive a Women in Architecture Award from Architectural Record on October 30, 2019. Toshiko Mori is a member of The Cooper Union Hall of Fame. She was awarded the John Q. Hejduk Award in 2003. See Award Announcement

Meredith Bergmann A’77 is featured in the October 25, 2019 edition of The Architect’s Newspaper in an article titled, Women’s suffrage statue finally approved for Centennial unveiling. Meredith Bergmann was commissioned to create Central Park’s FIRST statue honoring real women. A six-year effort spearheaded by the nonprofit Monumental Women has resulted in a composition depicting women’s rights pioneers Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton gathered around a table drafting a document. The statue will be unveiled on August 26, 2020, celebrating the centennial of the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote. Read Article
Ms. Bergmann is the recipient of the CUAA’s 2019 Augustus Saint-Gaudens Award for Professional Achievement in Art.
Congratulations Meredith! Learn More

Brian Rose A’79 Brian Rose is a CUAA council member, and he was previously chairman of the Cooper Square Committee, a housing advocacy group located in the East Village. He is also an accomplished photographer and author. He recently released a book titled Atlantic City, describing Trump’s failed casinos, and the ravaged neighborhoods adjacent to them. Learn More

Joel Lubenau CE’60 graduated from Cooper with a degree in Civil Engineering. He went on to pursue a career in health physics with the US Public Health Service. He is now a full-time writer, his interests include the history of the use of radiation and radioactive materials in medicine and industry and their impact upon popular culture. He recently released a book, Radium City: A History of America’s First Nuclear Industry, describing Pittsburgh’s Standard Chemical Company, the first and largest American company to produce radium, and the company’s legacies. Learn More
School News

Cooper ChE Faculty and Students going to Orlando, Fl for AICHE Annual Meeting
Students, faculty and alumni attended and presented papers at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) annual meeting being held in Orlando, Fl from Nov. 10 – 15, 2019. The group included for the first time a Cooper Union entry in the Beer Making Contest. ChE masters student, Matthew Grattan ChE’19, and faculty member Dr. Jennifer Weiser represented the CU Beer Brewing Team with the CU version of the 1859 porter. The students and faculty that presented technical papers are: Dr Benjamin Davis, Dr. Amanda Simson, Dr. Jennifer Weiser, Dr. Dan Lepek ChE’04, Peter Zhao ChE’20, Jason Sherman ChE’20, Dave Chun ChE’19, and Derek Ni ChE’20. Learn More
Cooper Union S.T.E.M Exhibition on November 21, 2019

Join STEM Outreach on Nov. 21st from 5 – 8 pm to celebrate more than 25 years of high school engineering programs at Cooper Union. You are invited to explore The Community of Microbes exhibit- a dynamic, pop-up augmented-reality exhibit. Visitors will discover microbe communities both familiar and mysterious found in New York City. Learn More
Cooper Motorsports

The 2019 Cooper Motorsports team competed in May at the FSAE competition held annually in Michigan, where it tied for 8th place in design and 3rd place for best drawings out of 120+ teams from around the world. The team kicked off the new school year with an orientation event on September 6th. The 2020 CU Motorsports Car will have the lightest space frame that Cooper Motorsports has ever produced weighing in at only 56 lbs, excluding the carbon fiber they will be adding to stiffen the frame. The team has nearly completed welding the frame, and is beginning the parts fabrication season. Team members plan to have the car completed and driving by February 15th. The team welcomes alumni involvement. To learn more about the team and follow their progress, see their FaceBook page
Athletics at The Cooper Union

The Fall/Winter Schedules for The Cooper Union Traveling Teams are announced. Alumni are welcomed at all games.
Mens Basketball Schedule,
Womens Volleyball
In Memoriam

Martin Trust ME’56 and former Cooper Union Trustee passed away in September. Martin was an innovator, a businessman, a philanthropist, and a big fan of The Cooper Union and the Boston Red Sox. Martin Trust received the CUAA Gano Dunn Award in 1997 and the CUAA Alumnus of The Year Award in 2006. He was inducted into The Cooper Union Hall of Fame in 2009. Learn More
Sadly, many alumni have passed away during 2019. 2019 In Memoriam.
Events and Exhibitions
For a listing of Events and Exhibitions hosted by The Cooper Union click here.

Cooper Union in Tech Mixer
Please join fellow Cooper alumni and students working in and interested in the tech industry for an evening of networking. Following the summer meet-up, we hope to further engage this group as a budding Affinity Group and lay the foundation for future meetups and ad-hoc events. Monday, November 18, 2019 at The Copper Still – East Village Location (151 2nd Avenue – between 9th and 10th streets) 6:30 – 8:30 P.M. Appetizers provided, cash bar. Register
CUAA Happy Hour November 22, 2019

Upcoming CUAA Council Meetings
The December 2019 Council Meeting will be held at the school and on WebEx on 12/19/19. CU B.O.T Chair, Rachel Warren and CU President, Laura Sparks will be our guests. Save the Date.
Harvest Dinner
Each November the Cooper Union Students prepare a holiday dinner shortly before the Thanksgiving holiday on November 25th. This year the event is being hosted by the student InterVarsity club The alumni serve pie. Details will be shared when they become available.
Holiday Party

The annual Cooper Union Holiday Party will be held at Phebe’s Tavern on Tuesday, December 10th. 6 – 8 PM. Cooper Union Alumni, Students and Staff are invited.
Alumni Directory is On-Line
Use it to find your classmates by selecting the Alumni Tab on the cooper.edu website. Next select Find Your Classmates in the column on the left side of the page.
If you have your password from the retired cualumni.com site, use it to log into the alumni directory. You may get a new password by registering on the login screen.
Most Requested On-line Cooper Union Information
The School has two websites: Cooper.edu and support.cooper.edu and CUAA has one: CooperAlumni.org
Here are some direct links to resources located on all three that are frequently requested.
|Alumni Affairs & Development Site & Alumni Directory |Cooper Union Faculty & Staff Directory | CUAA Meetings | Hall of Fame | Trustee Reports | Faculty-Student Senate Reports | Engineering Student Council Reports |

All editions of the CU Student Newspaper, The Pioneer, can be read on-line. http://pioneer.cooper.edu