January 2020 Council Meeting
The CUAA Alumni Council met on January 9, 2020 in room LL101 of the 41 Cooper Square building. The Awards Committee, Nominating Committee, and Events Committee chairs provided updates.
Would you like to help with your reunion?
Reunion Weekend will be the first weekend in June. Members of the class of 1970 will be celebrating their Golden Legion. Several other classes will be marking milestones as well.
It takes many volunteers to organize a memorable reunion. Are you interested in helping. use this form to let the Cooper Union Alumni Affairs and Development Office know. Sign-Up
Record Number of Cooper Together Celebrations will be happening in February
The CUAA Annual Spring Election is a little more than a month away
If you have voted in either of the last two elections, you are registered. If you need to register on cooperalumni.org, you can do so here: Register
Alumni Directory is On-Line
Use it to find your classmates. This feature is found by selecting the Alumni Tab on the cooper.edu website. Next select, Find Your Classmates in the column on the left side of the page. If you have your password from the retired cualumni.com site, use it to log into the alumni directory. You may get a new password by registering on the Log-in screen.
Learn about John T. Carroll CE’33. John T. Carroll spent his career in Public Service here in New York City. In 1965, he received the Sloan Foundation Public Service Award. Learn More.
Alumni accomplishments featured prominently on our website… Please take a look!
Share your accomplishments by posting them on The Official CUAA FaceBook page and LinkedIn Group
In Memoriam
See who we have lost during 2019
2019 In Memoriam
2/12/2020 Founder’s Day Wreath Laying
12PM -2PM Wreath Laying Ceremony in Cooper Square Park and refreshments in the lobby of the Foundation Building.
5:30 – 6:30 PM Student and Alumni Social at The Cooper Union. Sandwiches and beverages will be served.
6:30 – 9:30 PM Alumni gathering at Cooper Craft
2/19/2020 February CUAA Council Meeting
Candidates for the 2020 Spring Election will be Announced
6/1 – 6/3/2020 Reunion Weekend
All alumni and spouses are invited to the Reunion weekend. The classes that will be celebrating milestone class anniversaries are
’75, ’80, ’85, ’90, ’95, ’00, ’05, ’10, ’15 and the Golden Legion, ’70.
Useful Links
CUAA Facebook Page | CUAA LinkedIn Group
Past issues of the CUAA newsletter
All editions of the CU Student Newspaper, The Pioneer, can be read on-line. http://pioneer.cooper.edu
|The Cooper Union | Trustee Reports | Faculty-Student Senate Reports | Engineering Student Council Reports