Shankar Venkataraman BSE 2003

Running For: 2021 Council and 2018-19 Nominating Committee

Campaign Statement

As an alumni council representative, I would have three primary goals:

(1) Expand the council’s reach to as many living alumni as possible.

(2) Try to strengthen this community’s bonds. Facilitate communication among alumni and between alumni and community leaders. Ascertain and try to carry out the alumni’s wishes with respect to Cooper Union as an institution and as a community.

(3) Do everything I can to help restore Cooper Union to a permanently zero-tuition institution that is equal in caliber in its students, professors, ethics, and standards of learning to any other college or university in this country. It’s become plain to me over the past several years that goal (3) is deeply in sync with goals (1) and (2).


I was born in Chennai, India, the last of 3 boys, and raised in Queens and central NJ. I graduated from Cooper Union with a BSE degree in 2003, focusing mostly on electrical engineering. In Queens, especially within the immigrant communities, Cooper Union was legendary, a beacon of hope. My father was always bursting with pride that I was able to attend; it was often the first thing he told people about me.

Since 2007, I’ve worked in communications and control systems related to transportation engineering. I’ve spent most of this time working on the permanent Transportation Hub at World Trade Center. I live in Edison, NJ.


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