Gary Kazin, ChE ’69
Gary Kazin, ChE ’69 Note: This article was originally published in the June 2012 CUAA Newsletter Gary Kazin, ChE’69, is retired from a long civil service career at the US Army Picatinny Arsenal, including ordnance...
Gary Kazin, ChE ’69 Note: This article was originally published in the June 2012 CUAA Newsletter Gary Kazin, ChE’69, is retired from a long civil service career at the US Army Picatinny Arsenal, including ordnance...
Joseph Tuozzolo, ME’76 This profile appeared originally in the September 2011 issue of the CUAA Newsletter September 2011 — Joseph Tuozzolo (ME’76) is Chief Mechanical Engineer for the Collider Accelerator Department (C-AD) at Brookhaven...
2010 Alumnus of the Year, Charles Cassella EE’68 Charles Cassella EE’68 was recognized for his outstanding service, dedication and commitment to the CUAA and to The Cooper Union. Charlie has served several terms on...
Alumni Profile: Alfred Schneider ChE’51 Alfred Schneider ChE’51 received the 1993 Gano Dunn Award and was inducted into The Cooper Union Hall of Fame in 2009. He worked as a research engineer, technical manager,...
Marie Wieck Eng’82 Marie Wieck Eng’82 received the 2004 President’s Citation. She is General Manager of IBM’s Software Division responsible for worldwide operations of the WebSphere Portfolio of products. Her career at...
Reprinted from At Cooper Union Fall/Winter 2009 Paul Strassmann has spent his life making intangible concepts tangible. “I’m an engineer,” he explains. “We look at facts and we measure things.” His rigorous thinking and...
CUAA Special Election 2015 for Alumni Trustees Adrian Burton Jovanovic BSE 1989 Seattle, WA and also New York, NY Current Position, Organization: Founder & President, eMedia Music Corp., Co-Founder & President, Committee to Save Cooper...
CUAA Special Election 2015 for Alumni Trustees Ling-Wei Chang Electrical Engineering 1982 New York, NY Current Position, Organization: Co-Founder, EVP Technology & Integration, Liquid FSI, Inc. Relevant Skills: Leadership and Collaboration, Growth Strategy, Business...
CUAA Special Election 2015 for Alumni Trustees Lynn Lander Chemical Engineering, 1960 Harrington Park, NJ Current Position: Retired (i.e., I can devote the time to be fully immersed in Board matters) Relevant Skills: Project...
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