May 2017 CUAA Newsletter

The CUAA Annual Spring Election 854 alumni voted.  They were distributed as follows:  170 were alumni of the art school, 108 were alumni of the architecture school, and 479 were alumni of the engineering school.  97 alumni did...

2017 CUAA Award Winners

The Cooper Union Alumni Association Congratulates our 2017 Alumni Awardees. Augustus Saint-Gaudens Award for professional achievement in art is presented to: Victor Moscoso A’57   Gano Dunn Award  for professional achievement in engineering, industry,...

Ciera Lowe ChE’14

Ciera Lowe  ChE’14 Ciera Lowe is a Data Analytics Developer at ENSO Financial Management, a financial services firm providing technology solutions for hedge funds. She works with a team of software developers to create...