The CUAA Annual Spring Election
854 alumni voted. They were distributed as follows: 170 were alumni of the art school, 108 were alumni of the architecture school, and 479 were alumni of the engineering school. 97 alumni did not designate their school.
All CUAA officers serve 1 year terms that begin on July 1, 2017 and finish on June 30, 2018. Our new Officers are:
- President: Paul Nikulin CE ’06
- Alumni Trustee: Lynn Lander ChE ’60
- Secretary: Mary K. Lynch ChE ’82
- Treasurer: Ciera Lowe ChE ’14
- Vice President Faculty-Student Liaison: Daren Rogers AR ’05
- Vice President of Events: Kelly Occhiuzzo Zack A’90
- Nominating Committee Chair : Susan Shaw A ’72
All CUAA council members serve 3 year terms that begin on July 1, 2017 and finish on June 30, 2020.
The new class of council members are:
Carol Wolf A ’84, Kay Nordstrom ME ’77, Brian Rose A ’79, Kelly Smolar ME ’07/MME ’11, Darrell Low EE ’89, Rachel Appel A’13, Hope Wade A ’87, Scott Lyne ChE ’92/MChE ’95, Malini Ramanarayanan ChE ’00, Michael Lebron A ’76, Devora Najjar ChE ’16, Ron Vogel ChE ’01/MChE ’15.
In the event that a council member is unable to complete their 3 year term, they will be replaced with one of the alternates. The first 2 Council Alternates are: Tomashi Jackson A’10, Vincent Wai Him Hui AR’16.
The Nominating committee (responsible for filling the 2018 ballot) has the following members:
Susan Shaw A ’72 (Chair), Kelly Smolar ME ’07/MME ’11, Darrell Low EE’89, Steven Hillyer AR’90, James Liubicich CHE’83, Laura Spinner A’90, Michael Lebron A’76, Shankar Venkataraman BSE ’03, Anthony Manganiello CE’06, Catherine Sanso CE’14, Alternates: Patrick Girvin AR ’88, Nicholas Vargas CE’06, Christopher Panebianco ChE’16, Justin Richter ChE’16, John Leeper AR’85 (ex officio), Nils Folke Anderson A’94 (ex officio).
2017 CUAA Award Winners
The Founder’s Day Awards and the Awards for Alumni of the Year will be presented at the CUAA Awards Ceremony on June 2, 2017.
Congratulations to:
Augustus Saint-Gaudens Award for professional achievement in art is presented to: Victor Moscoso A’57
Gano Dunn Award for professional achievement in engineering, industry, science, or finance is presented to: Ronald Brookmeyer Math’75
John Q. Hejduk Award for professional achievement in architecture is presented to: Mark West AR’80
Peter Cooper Public Service Award for exemplary service to the public is presented to: Agustin (Tim) Maldonado AR’66
Alumni of the Year Awards for longstanding dedication and commitment to the CUAA is presented to: Carol E. Wolf A’84 & James Liubicich ChE’83
Young Alumna of the Year Award for exemplary volunteerism and public service to the CUAA is presented to: Ciera Lowe ChE’14
CUAA awards are very special to alumni because they are given by fellow alumni who understand the hard work and dedication that is behind the awardees’ accomplishments.
The Awards Ceremony and reception will be a part of this year’s reunion celebration: Rose Auditorium, 41 Cooper Square, New York, Friday June 2, 6:30 PM. It will begin at 6PM with cocktails. At 6:30PM, the ceremony is set to begin in Rose Auditorium. The ceremony will all be followed by a reception on the Alumni Rooftop Terrace of the same building. Purchase Ticket for the CUAA Awards Reception
Reunion Weekend
Reunion Great Hall Speakers have been announced.
Peter Michaelian CE’02/MME’04, Head of Design at Dolby Laboratories Learn More about Peter.
Mike Essl A’96, Acting Dean of TheCooper Union School of Art Learn More Learn More about Mike.
Reunion Weekend will be the first weekend in June. Members of the class of 1967 will be celebrating their Golden Legion. Several other classes will be marking milestones. Milestone class years are:’57, ’62, ’67, ’72, ’77, ’82, ’87, ’92, ’97, ’02, ’07, ’12. Reunion Weekend events are open to all alumni. Reunion Weekend includes some events that are tailored to specific milestone class years. You can learn more about Reunion Weekend here. Learn More
Annual Fund Update
The CUAA encourages support of the Annual Fund as the top choice for alumni, parents and friends looking to make donations to Cooper Union. An Annual Fund donation is unrestricted, making it a flexible and instantly available source of student funding that can be used when and where it is needed the most. Please click here to make your tax-deductible donation to the Annual Fund.
Gifts to this year’s Annual Fund may be made through June 30, 2017. Watch for news from the CUAA about upcoming fundraising activities and how you can get involved.
May CUAA Council Meeting
The CUAA Council met on Monday, May 22, 2017 in room 201 of the new Academic Building (NAB). The meeting was opened by President Nils Folke Anderson A’94. Nils mentioned that Commencement rehearsal occurred earlier that day and he distributed the Service awards to 4 of the new graduates. He also announced the End of Year Show and encouraged alumni to attend. Next, reports were given by the VP Faculty-Student Liaison Margaret Matz AR’83 and the Alumni Representative to the Joint Student Council, Jenny Woo A’96.
The Chair of the Teller’s committee then announced the results of the spring election. Nils Anderson announced that there will be a CUAA organized block party in September with the tentative date of September 9th. The event is intended for students, alumni, school staff, and people from the community. The co-chairs of the Peter Cooper Block Party committee will be Victoria Sobel A’14 and Casey Gollen’14. Victoria and Casey explained the event concept and announced that the event website is up. They asked that everyone with comments on the previous block party and or ideas for the 2017 block party contact them trough the website.
The final topic of the evening was the upcoming CUAA Award Ceremony and Rooftop reception on June 2nd. Nils Anderson A’94 and Karina Tipton CE’99 led a discussion on ways to promote the event.
In Memoriam
In Memoriam article, Professor Diane Lewis on
AIA NY memorialized Diane with article titled, Diane Lewis, 1951 – 2017, Teacher and Architect Extraordinaire.
Sadly we have lost several alumni during 2017. In Memoriam listing
Recent Events
4/25/17 Meet the Candidate Night
“Meet The Candidates Night” was held on April 25th from 6:30-9:30 PM, in Room 201/201A in the 41 Cooper Square building.
Candidates for Alumni trustee, CUAA President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP of Events, and VP Faculty-Student Liason gave brief remarks of 2-4 minutes, introducing themselves and their goals, and took part in a Q&A session moderated by Shankar. See photos and video
4/22/17 March for Science
Across the Country, Students and alumni participated in Marches for Science on April 22, 2017. Learn More
4/23/17 CU@Cottage Place Gallery
On Sunday afternoon, April 23rd, family, friends and fellow Cooper alumni joined Lotte Petricone (A’85) to celebrate the opening of her solo show “(small) New Works” at the Cottage Place Gallery in Ridgewood, NJ. The show closed on May 21st, 2017.
5/1/17 CU Motorsports Car Roll-Out
Cooper Motorsports held a rollout event to show alumni, students, professors, friends, and family the finished FSAE race car. This year the car number is 62. The number is assigned by the organizers of the FSAE competition. The team includes students from all the schools. The body design incorporates the colors of the CU logo and is the work of Victor Franco A’19. Alumni were also invited to come see the FSAE event held in Brooklyn, MI 5/9 -5/17/17. The evening included poster presentation and a slide presentation given by Bridget Bissell EE’17, Mic Capone ME’17, and Harrison Milne ME’17. The team relies on alumni for donations and direction! See photos
5/9 – 5/17/17 FSAE Competition in Michigan
The Cooper Union Motorsports team finished 11th in the Business event, 37th in the Design event, and 49th in the Overall competition with more than 200 entrants. This was an historic top quartile finish for the team. They extend their heartfelt thanks to all alumni who gave them resources and advice in order to propel them to this result.
Ongoing and Upcoming Events
5/22/17 End Of Year Show Opens
The show includes work from students in all 3 schools and the exhibit utilizes the galleries and hallway spaces of both school buildings. The opening reception was held on Monday, May 22, from 5 to 9 p.m. in the Foundation Building. The show will continue until June 10, 2017 Learn More
6/2/17 CUAA Awards including Hall of Fame Award Presentations
6:30 PM The Gano Dunn, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, John Q. Hejduk, and Peter Cooper Public Service Awards will be presented and the awardees will be inducted into The Cooper Union Hall of Fame. The Alumni of the Year and The Young Alumna of the Year Award will also be awarded. Alumni, Students, Parents and Friends are all invited. This year, the festivities will begin with ceremony in the Rose Auditorium, 41 Cooper Square and then continue with a reception in the Alumni Terrace on the rooftop. The reception includes open bar. Learn More
6/2 – 6/4/17 Reunion Weekend with 3 Days of Activities
Learn More
6/16 – 6/17/17 Typographics Conference
Typographics is a festival and a conference. The conference is produced and hosted by current and past curators of the Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography, including Mike Essl A’99, Ellen Lupton A’85, and Alexander Tochilovsky A’00. Typographics festival events take place from June 12 to June 22, 2017. The conference takes place on Friday, June 16 and Saturday, June 17, 2017. Learn More
9/9/2o17 Peter Cooper Block Party
Block Party co-chairs Victoria Sobel & Casey Gollan (Art ’13) are seeking feedback, ideas, and pitches for the block party by June 15, 2017. Responses can be sent through the Block Party website.
To review last year’s event, you can check out the website at:
See more photos last year’s block party at:
Pioneer Stories
All editions of the CU Student Newspaper, The Pioneer, can be read on-line.
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