The Cooper Union Alumni Association (CUAA) provides a vital link between the alumni and the institution, building a strong body of support to preserve, protect and promote The Cooper Union.
Elizabeth Graziolo AR’95 was elected to the Alumni Trustee position during the 2019 CUAA Election (held in May) and was seated on the Cooper Union B.O.T. during the December 2019 board meeting. Elizabeth graduated...
Arthur Rosenblatt AR’52 Arthur Rosenblatt AR’52 served as CUAA Class Representative, CUAA Council Member, CUAA President, and CUAA Alumni Trustee. He also served on the Cooper Union President’s Advisory Council . He was CUAA President...
Herman J. Jessor, BSE 1917 Herman J. Jessor graduated from the Cooper Union Night Engineering School in 1917. He immigrated to New York when he was 12 years old from Russia. He studied at...
Mark West AR’80 Mark West has worked as an educator and architectural researcher for 36 years. His work ranges from technical innovations in concrete construction and architectural and structural form, to speculative architectural and...
John Leeper AR’85 John Leeper AR’85 graduated in 1980 from Wesleyan University with a BA in mathematics and a minor in studio art. After graduation, he attended the Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies,...
Martin Cohen AR’52 Martin Harvey Cohen was born in Brooklyn in 1932. He attended the Cooper Union and received a certificate in Architecture in 1952. He then went to M.I.T. where he received a...
Henry Ogden Avery, A 1869 Henry Ogden Avery was born in Brooklyn in 1852. He passed away at the age of 38 in 1890. Henry Ogden Avery, was appointed the first professor of...
Alexander Gorlin, AR’78 Alexander Gorlin, FAIA, Architecture 1978, is principal of Alexander Gorlin Architects, established in 1987 after he returned from a Rome Prize Fellowship at the American Academy in Rome. His design portfolio...
Donald Forst, AR’58, is Architect and Author Donald Forst AR’58 is a retired architect who lives in Lakewood, Colorado with his wife. He and his wife are avid artists and travelers. Don has recently...
CUAA Special Election 2015 for Alumni Trustees Cristina Aguirre-Ross Architecture ‘81 New Canaan, Connecticut Current Position, Organization: Architect /Author – Corporate Facilities Consultants Relevant Skills: Cristina has served on Corporate and Non Profit Boards, has...
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